In the Middle Ages the king, his feudal lords and the church had total control of the thoughts and actions of the less privileged underclasses. Opposition was punishable by death.  Those who thought for themselves and stepped outside the boundaries imposed by those in authority were ostracised. Laws inflicted by the powerful went unquestioned because they came into being through “the will of God” which is what the Church taught. 

During Covid we discovered that when those in power act in unison to enforce a course of action, the outcome for society is similar to how it was in  the Middle Ages: compliance by the majority to the will of those in power.  The only real difference between now and the Middle Ages has been that the source of power has shifted from the king to the anonymous controllers who pull the economic strings in our society.   They impose their edicts using  bribery and blackmail rather than through brute force as was the case during the Middle Ages.

As the truth regarding the dangers of the Covid pandemic are being gradually revealed, some, possibly many, people are regretting the decisions they made to follow orders.  It is likely that some who acted against their better judgement because of the fear of loss of income, or because compliance was expected of them by their peers or family are sorry that they weren’t prepared to stay strong in their own beliefs.

My question is: “What purpose has this event served in terms of Earth’s ascension?”  

It took a while for doctors to come out publicly and share their concerns about the effect of the vaccinations that were rolled out as part of the Covid experience.  Initially, doctors who questioned the measures being implemented to control Covid were ostracised, ridiculed or just ignored.  Some were sacked from their jobs. Over time, many more concluded that the vaccinations were neither safe nor effective and there was ample evidence to support their claims.  People involved in the health industry are telling horrific stories about what they experienced in hospitals that were actively engaging in euthanasia.

Over time,  it has become evident that Covid was a planned event designed to reduce Earth’s population and to transfer wealth to those who control the pharmaceutical industries.  

Bad events often have beneficial consequences.  I believe this is true of the Covid vaccination programme. 

I suspect that the Covid pandemic has been  a catalyst for a major shift in consciousness.  It has brought to peoples’ awareness the fact that they have been subjected to a world-wide, government sponsored programme of lies and misinformation. It has brought into question the integrity of the pharmaceutical  and medical industries.  It has highlighted the duplicity of mainstream media. 

Additionally, as the truth about the death and injuries caused by the vaccination programme is being exposed people must surely be examining their own motivation for allowing themselves to be deceived.  This is a particularly valuable outcome because, if we are to create a better world, we must first face the truth about ourselves and what motivates us.  It we are to become strong, we must first acknowledge our weakness.  If we are to become wise, we must first acknowledge our ignorance.   Covid has shown us that we are far too willing to give our power away to those who want to take it from us.   It showed us how few are prepared to stand in their own truth.

The history of Earth is the story of the oppression of the masses by those wishing to exert power and control.  Fundamentally, it is a history of the fight between good and evil.  Before we can eliminate that which is evil, we must first identify it. 

The Covid pandemic has allowed us to see that many of the institutions that we have looked up to and trusted, are not what they have seemed.  They are rooted in evil.  They are controlled by people who have not been acting in our best interests. 

Initially, these institutions made our lives easy.  Too easy.  An easy life makes people weak. An easy life makes people reliant on others.  It causes us to lose our sense of personal responsibility.  Relying on others to give us what we want and tell us what to do makes for an easy life but it also makes us weak, lazy, complaisant and easily manipulated. 

We have needed to realise that our world has been under the control of very dark forces over a very long time.  Perhaps forever.  Hopefully, this is what Covid has demonstrated to a large number of people. It has allowed them to see the consequences allowing others to take their power away from them. I cannot imagine the remorse that parents who encouraged their children to be vaccinated must be feeling if those children are now dead.  I cannot imagine the regret of those who have had their health seriously impaired because they trusted what they were told by the government, their doctor or their employer.   

Ascension to 5th dimension frequency will occur only when we learn to operate within the requirements of that frequency.  Shifting from third to fifth dimensional frequency is not going to be an automatic process.  We may be required to face a number of huge challenges like the Covid pandemic which will force us to become aware of things that, up until now, we have had no awareness of. 

Ascension will take work and the sort of work required will demand that we face the truth about our own weaknesses, inadequacies, vulnerabilities.  Once we recognise them, it will take more work to overcome them.  Fortunately, we have the tools we need to recognise the things we need to work on because what we create within our lives shows us.  Our experiences are always a reflection of what we hold within so if we don’t like what we create in our world, we must look within to find the cause. 

Blaming others is not the solution.


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