The Journey to where we are
If you are surprised by what is happening in Australia right now, you shouldn’t be. The New World Order control net is being tightened. Up until now, most have been unaware that a control net has even existed. Implementation of a variety of strategies designed to seize control has occurred gradually, subtly and with incredible planning and precision to take the world population to a point of enslavement - and bring to fruition of plan that has been laid down many, many decades ago.
The concept of centralised control was developed by Lenin in the 1920’s as a vicious revolutionary strategy for seizing power. Lenin’s plan was to destabilise the western world so that all nations could be controlled by a central planning agency. His ideas were hijacked by a small group of influential bankers and moneyed elite who set out to implement them but the basis for this had been laid down years earlier.
What have been some of the steps that needed to be put in place to achieve this?
First they had to control the money system so that they could siphon money from the general public and use it for building a network of military, research and commercial operations and influence a large number of affiliates who would do their bidding: politicians, judges, university researchers, lawyers and bureaucrats. Establishing the privately owned Bank of England and much later, the USA Federal Reserve Bank in 1913 were important first steps. After World War 2, where they financed both sides in the conflict, the privately-owned central banking system was rolled out world-wide, starting in Australia and the Phillipines in 1947. By 2017, all but four of the world’s nations had been drawn into this system. This stage was marked by a massive transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich.
During this period the United Nations and a series of World government bodies such as the World Bank, IMF, WHO, UNESCO were established and unbeknownst to most of us, these organisations were planning the implementation of New World Order strategies. One agency, the International Economic Order planned for international control of all foodstuffs, fisheries and minerals. This was known to only a few and certainly was not known or understood by Australian politicians, except for those at the top and within the Trade Union movement.
Next. a common goal was needed to unite people to fight a “common enemy”. Limits to Growth, published following meetings of the Club of Rome in the 1960’s , identified overpopulation as the world’s greatest problem and environmental concerns, particularly global warming, as the vehicle to harness peoples’ attention and commitment.
A series of strategies, identified in the Toronto Protocol in 1967 were set in motion. These included:
(i) Active promotion of a program of liberation of morals by establishing a society in which sex, drugs, sport, travel and exoticism and leisure were accessible to all.
(ii) Economic Crises
(iii) War
(iv) Transfer of the parental role to the State.
Planned strategies to achieve these objectives included:
(i) Infiltration of the Media including film, radio, TV, newspapers, magazines, and music.
(ii) Imposition of “exceptions” for different groups to ensure social protest and confusion.
(iii) Encouragement of non-conformist philosophers and writers to promote aspects fundamental to New World Order thinking.
(iv) Levelling of social classes and removal of “family” including ancestral religious teachings and parental authority by subjecting parents to a "Collective Psychosis of Fear".
(v) “Purchasing” of journalists and politicians.
(vi) Infiltration of the Education System to remove the basis of moral boundaries such as all knowledge of the past (and therefore any national pride), respect for others, the language of science (and thus reality). The purpose was to build a youth largely disposed to all forms of crime.
(vii) Encouraging abandonment by parents of responsibility regarding their children, a clear path was built to create a youth where arrogance, contempt and humiliation of others would promote "affirmation of self" and “freedom” as the basic values of life.
In Australia, both Labor and Liberal Prime Ministers supported the publicly promoted values of the New World Order programme. H.V.Evatt, leader of the Labor Party for many years, was the first President of the United Nations General Assembly in 1928/9. When Gough Whitlam was swept into power in 1972, Australia’s whole economic system was changed to bring it in line with New World Order thinking causing half of its industrial capacity to be lost. Gough Whitlam signed the Lima Declaration which reduced Australia’s capacity to produce and export. Wool production was decimated by drought and collapsed in the 1970’s partially because of high interest rates on bank loans. Liberal Party Prime Minister, Malcolm Fraser supported United National trade and development plans which caused chaos in rural areas. In the years that have followed, Prime Ministers have, with few exceptions, followed orders.
Investigations into allegations of child abuse were constrained by “terms of reference” such that police information relating to allegations of pedophilia involving 29 prominent Australians including politicians and one former prime minister, members of the judiciary and police are under suppression orders for 99 years because “if the people of Australia found out, it would destroy trust in the political system.”
So what do we have happening now?
Throughout Australia, premiers are operating outside the rules of the Australian Constitution under the guise of protecting people from a “life-threatening pandemic.” They are imposing rules that are not based on science or medical advice such as that contained in an open letter from 382 medical doctors and 1305 medical trained health professionals to Belgian authorities and media. This letter concludes: “There is not medical justification for any emergency policy anymore.The current crisis management has become totally disproportionate and causes more damages than it does any good”.
Throughout Australia strategic resources including three port facilities and water resources have been sold or leased to overseas interests including China. In Victoria, a private police force is being used to enforce obedience to arbitrary lock-down rules. Against the rules of the Constitution, state borders are closed and dissent is forbidden. Business operations have been arbitrarily shut down. Mandated vaccination is being threatened. Mainstream media is promoting fear of the pandemic and highlighting police action against those who resist the arbitrary behaviour guidelines.
The hope is that when lives are constrained by extreme and hypocritical measures people will start to question what is happening, rather than passively accept what they are told. Questioning and seeking the truth is the first step. Hopefully, resistance follows. My purpose in writing this outline is to provide a background to the current crisis so that you understand this this is not something that has come out of the blue: it has been planned and implemented over many decades.
(i) youtube: “The Plan, how we got here. NWO Australia”. Speech by Jeremy Lee, 1990’s.
(ii) August, 2020
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