President Trump was ridiculed for suggesting that hydroxychloroquin was a safe and effective treatment for Covid 19.  Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro championed use of the substance.  His statements were removed by Facebook for breaching their misinformation guidelines. 

In contrast, a trial on 11,00 patients with Covid 19 symptoms concluded that “there is no beneficial effect of hydroxychloroquin”. Who did they test and how sick were the people they  tested?  We’re not told. The prestigious Lancet medical journal effectively derailed all trials on the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquin when it published a study that claimed that it increased potential heart problems.  This study was subsequently retracted for being based on false data.

In Equador, Dr Andreas Kalcker was running workshops just prior to the outbreak of the Covid 19 pandemic. He spoke about chlorine dioxide (MMS), a substance that works similarly to hydroxychloroquin.  Both cause an increase in oxygen levels in the bloodstream and body. Dr Kalcker had been researching this remedy for over 15 years and had used it personally to cure his arthritis.  One of the doctors who attended Dr Kalcker’s lectures got very, very ill with Covid 19. Remembering Dr Kalcker’s information lecture one of his colleagues injected him with chlorine dioxide (MMS).  Two days later, he recovered because MMS re-oxygenates the bloodstream and It is de-oxygenation of the bloodstream that is the most dangerous aspect of Covid 19. 

Following this incident and ignoring the dictates of the WHO, doctors in Equador subsequently carried out trials on 100 people who were sick with the coronavirus. They all recovered. Subsequently, reports from doctors in Equador described people coming to the hospital who couldn’t breathe.  A few hours later, having been treated with MMS, they felt better.  A zoom call for doctors within Equador so that they could compare experiences, resulted in 1,000 doctors participating.  One doctor spoke of a 77 year old patient who got better after being treated with MMS  and when tested, it was discovered that he needed to reduce his diabetes medication by 50%. 

From the above, we see that there are two totally opposing opinions on the use on non-prescription treatment for Covid 19 and specifically the use of hydroxychloroquin and MMS. Why are there such conflicting viewpoints?

The answer is “money”.  Big Pharma is doing everything they can to convince people that patented medicines are the only safe treatment and that vaccination is the only longer-term solution. Big Pharma’s continued existence depends on this story being accepted. Mainstream media supports them, because they too are dependent on the revenues they receive from Big Pharma. The methods Big Pharma uses include extreme censorship, indoctrination and, as we have seem from the Lancet debacle, total dishonesty if they believe they can get away with it.

Does MMS work?  From personal experience I can say ‘Yes’.  I tried it 10 years ago without understanding the protocol.  I took it in too potent a form.  The taste was so awful that I decided that something that tasted so bad could not be good for me.  I tried it again last year.  This time I followed instructions. I started with 1/2 drop in 1/4 glass of water every hour and gradually, over a period of several weeks, increased the amount to 6 drops  (3 drops MMS and 3 drops Hcl Activator).  The cancerous lesions on my hands started clearing within a week which convinced me that this substance was extremely effective. 

Dr Kalcker explains the benefits in terms of the combination of the two substances creating a gaseous reaction.  The gas is absorbed and oxygen within the gas is taken quickly to wherever there is acidity. It works best when small doses are taken regularly.

The substance is simple.  MMS is 280 grams of Sodium Chlorite 80% in 720 ml of distilled water. The activator is hydrochloric acid or 125 grams of pure citric acid in 125 ml of distilled water.  There are instructions on how to make it on Dr Kalcker’s website: Andreas Kalcker.com

In Australia it is marketed by MMS Australia who have just been hit with a fine of $151,200 for unlawful advertising.  It is claimed  by the Therapeutic Goods Administration that the organisation “peddles bleach as a cure for coronavirus” and that it poses a serious risk and should be labelled ‘poison’.

This is a simply made substance similar in its effect to Artemesia. It is cheap. Originally used as a treatment for malaria, research by people such as Dr Kalcker indicate that it very effective in treatment of autism.  Doctors in Equador believe it really made a difference for Covid 19 sufferers.  Perhaps it is its effectiveness that explains the  push to have it banned.

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