Everything in Its Place

have a clear recollection of the moment my investigation into the reason why children have learning difficulties started.  It happened following a phone call from my son.  He phoned to tell me he had just graduated from the University of Western Sydney wth a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture.   

When my son was small I spent many years trying to find answers so I could help him.  He had learning difficulties. The part of his brain that should have enabled him to do such things as read and add up had been damaged at birth.  Until parts of his brain developed sufficiently to take over the function of the damaged areas he was unable to do what was easy for other children.  Once his brain repaired itself he was a brilliant learner.  He just needed time for his brain to repair itself. That he had gained a University Degree was, for me, fabulous confirmation of the success of the programme I had followed with him.

Following that phone call I decided to search for answers as to why so many children had problems learning.  Looking for answers I studied and applied many different education strategies : mainstream and alternative, in a variety of educational environments.  Thinking I had answers, I returned to a school environment after a break of almost a decade. My objective was to  apply what I had learnt to see what difference highly sophisticated teaching strategies made when they were used with children who had serious problems with reading. They didn't work. Then I stumbled on a regime that combined a variety of non-mainstream ideas from NLP,  kinesiology, accelerated learning and from what I had learnt from Dr. Jacob Lieberman, an optometrist from the USA.  That was when I got the result I wanted.  I watched several of the children go from being barely able to read to being fluent readers... instantly. This happened in the same way someone under hypnosis becomes an expert, simply because of suggestion. With hypnosis, people return to their "normal" state when the hypnotic trance state is broken. These children weren’t being hypnotised but the effect was the same: instant change.  I had studied hypnosis which works to over-ride self-imposed negative beliefs with belief in one’s invincibility.  Stress Delusion doesn’t do that.  It just identifies negative programmes, removes all judgement around those programmes so that they no longer have power and allows the positive experiences that follow build a positive self concept.   Once stress is eliminated because someone is no longer striving to achieve something they have programmed themselves to not have, the brain starts to function as it is designed to function at a processing speed of over 2 million bits of information per second rather than at the rate of 40 bits of information per second which is where most people are at. Having seen the changes that occurred I used a trial and error approach to handle more and more difficult situations with a high level of confidence that I would facilitate the changes I expected to see.  Seeing what happened, I asked the questions “Where do our self-imposed negative beliefs come from?” and “What would happen if they didn’t exist?”  I finally came to the conclusion that they result from the decisions we make as children at times of emotional trauma.  As an example, having decided “I can’t have what I want” our brain then works to make our decision a reality and we play out that programme for the rest of our lives or until we go back and identify when and why we made the decision and what we have learnt from having lived a life in which “I can’t have what I want.” I called the strategy I developed, Stress Defusion.  It  facilitates bringing to conscious awareness the self-defeating programmes and allows people to discover where the programmes originated.  Over time I developed a process to remove power from the original decisions, so that they no longer had any effect in the present.  The decisions that gave rise to the negative programmes were valid when they were first put into place, but only in that time frame.  Unfortunately, most of them outlive their usefulness and many determine our life’s path for lifetime after lifetime. 

Later, when I started channeling information. I was told by my spirit guides that Stress Defusion would allow children to improve dramatically in every aspect of their lives and it would enable them to do what they have come to Earth to do.  I didn’t appreciate the significance of this information for many years.  Between 20 and 30 years ago I worked with hundreds of children.  Those I have maintained contact with have excelled beyond expectation. My most memorable case at the high school  was a child who wouldn’t do anything and wouldn’t talk to anyone.  She just sat.  She had no friends. She couldn’t read.  I learnt she had been like this for 8 years, ever since her first day in kindergarten.   Having ascertained that she wasn’t mentally damaged, it took 2  sessions to find the cause of her problem - an incident on her first day in school where she had obviously decided “I’m not going to do anything they tell me.”  Six months after I worked with her she had a huge group of friends.  She was able to read and learn and her life had changed dramatically.  She even started talking to the teachers, and answering back if she thought the situation demanded it. Then there was the 16 year old who, having excelled academically until the end of his first year in High school, suddenly couldn’t (or wouldn’t) achieve anything. He had literally gone from being at the top of the year group to being right at the bottom over a period of 3 years.  Teachers thought he was just being difficult and he was brought to me because he was in danger of being expelled for very bad behaviour.  It turned out that during his summer holidays at the end of Year 7 he had gone skiing in Austria, had got lost overnight and had made his way over a mountain into the next valley to get to safety.  The decisions he made during that traumatic over-night adventure, which could easily have resulted in his death, were something like “It doesn’t matter what I do, I can’t succeed.” This decision determined his behaviour from then on. I started working with children.  I then applied the same thinking to adults and expanded my investigation to include all manner of problems in life to include such things as difficult life patterns, chronic illness, depression.   I continue to do this work.   Obviously this is something that has occupied much of my thinking over the past  40 years since I first started this work.  I believe I have discovered something that could be of value to many people. Though my work has not come out of a science laboratory, it can be easily verified. and I am hopeful that "Everything in its Place" will encourage others to replicate replicate what I have discovered so that it can help many people who want to change the circumstances of their lives.