I believe there is a very strong link between childhood vaccinations and autism. Studies have shown a correlation between autism and heavy metals such as mercury and lead. Mercury is found in thimerisol, an adjutant used in vaccinations. Other factors, such as glyphosate the main ingredient in Roundup, barium and aluminium in chemtrails and fluoride may contribute to the problem.
If, as I believe, autism is partly explained as a response to vaccinations or other poisons in early childhood, then the question that needs to be answered is “How and why does this happen?”
First there is the relationship between heavy metals and brain function. In addition, there could be a relationship between the “event” of heavy introduction into the body and brain function. Finding a solution to autism will therefore require the elimination of heavy metals from the body and the identification of decisions made as a result of heavy metals being introduced into the body. Let me explain.
The Creators, my guides, tell me that children who experience autism, are of a very high vibrational frequency. This might be the reason why vaccines, which contain heavy metals such as mercury and other poisons trigger reactions that give rise to strong negative decisions. If this is what happens, the decisions made at the time of vaccination become the foundation for the programmes that autistic children establish for themselves. Their response may come because of a confusion that arises from having poisons injected into their bodies and specifically into their brains, as a consequence of pain resulting from the same cause, or for some other reason.
I do not have an explanation as to why the response is triggered. But the subsequent behaviours could well arise from this event and it is my intention to discover whether or not this hypothesis is true. If my hypothesis is correct, then as a consequence of having established these programmes, children shut down the signals that would normally allow them to speak, engage in eye contact, be in physical and emotional contact with other human beings. It would cause them to repeat physical activities over and over again and would also control their physical actions and responses. These are the behaviours that give rise to the description of “autism”.
Only those who are afflicted with these disorders will be able to understand and explain how and why this has happened. Information they are able to access will allow us to understand the connection, if it exists, between vaccination and autism. From my past experience, I am certain that some children will have the ability to remember the decisions they made that have caused the subsequent behavioural disorders and even to remember why they made those decisions.
For this to happen, Stress Defusion work is needed to assist suffers of autism to locate and defuse the decisions that have caused their physical and emotional problems. Once this happens, autism symptoms are likely to be eliminated in the same way that behaviours that exist because of decisions made many years earlier that are capable of giving rise to a variety of different behaviours. Whilst the immediate and often extreme, beneficial responses that clients report following Stress Defusion work may seem improbable, the testimonials that are available on my website attest to the significance of decisions made at times of intense trauma - and demonstrate what happens when those decisions are identified and “de-fused”. I relate the story of Adam as an example of how even tiny babies make decisions that have far-reaching consequences.
Adam identified a decision he made in the birth canal when he was experiencing extreme pain. The consequence of that decision was that Adam was born with one half of his body paralysed: unable to feel pain. Aged 17, Adam identified that decision and remembered when and why he had made it. Immediately, the paralysis went away leaving only weakness that came from years of inactivity in the affected parts of Adam’s body. I anticipate the same level of change will occur when young autistic sufferers remember the decisions they have made as a consequence of vaccination trauma. I am hopeful that the benefits will be major and will occur immediately the decision is identified. I strongly believe that the features that we classify as “autism” are simply extreme versions of the programmes that people construct for themselves when they are traumatised. These decisions are designed to remove the immediate problems and are intended to reduce pain or intense emotional response with no consideration for the long term consequences.
I suspect that 9 year old Janette I worked with many years ago to help overcome a variety of behavioural problems, would be labelled autistic in today’s world. I didn’t recognise that problems as such the ones Janette experienced were typical of autism sufferers, because I worked with Janette before these sorts of difficulties had been given that label.
Following two or three sessions Janette’s mother gave me the following report: “Janette didn’t speak properly until she was four years old and couldn’t provide a narrative until much later. Janette had her first Stress Defusion session mid-way through the year. She was concurrently doing language therapy. The most noticeable and immediately apparent change in her behaviour was the loss of her morbid fear of dogs. Another important improvement was her preparedness to answer the telephone. She also took to dressing herself and tying her shoelaces which she had not done previously and she can now put her shoes on the appropriate feet without me showing her which is which. Following her first session Janette’s speech therapist noticed a marked improvement in her comprehension ability. This surprised me as Janette had not done any of the required speech therapy homework during this time. Her overall speech is now greatly improved. Although she is not an enthusiastic reader, Janette is now able to read anything appropriate to her age. She is still working with the Support Teacher, Learning Difficulties at school who has been very impressed with her progress. Janette complains that the work is far too easy and babyish. I have seen the school councillor recently and she confirms that Janette’s social skills have improved. I notice that when playing with her peers, her verbal abilities are more developed than they used to be. Her overall speech is greatly improved. Janette has taught herself to skip this year. This is something she often tried before but was never able to master it. She is willing to sample new and different foods and to eat vegetables, none of which she would do before.”
I chose to not work with children fairly soon after I refined the Stress Defusion process. I believed that the journey chosen by each child, even when the journey included a variety of negative experiences, was one designed to ensure that they would achieve within this lifetime. I did not want to intervene if a child's difficulties would mean that they would not achieve their life's purpose. I did not want to play God.
I am now reversing that decision and will, from now on, concentrate on working with young people and children who are experiencing autism and ADHD. If vaccination has interfered in their life's experiences, the decision for them to be vaccinated is not theirs. It is a decision forced on them by others. This is the rationale I have for changing my decision.
I have been told by my guides that young people who experience autism, are here to assist in Earth’s ascension process. My spiritual guides, the Creators, have told me that these children have a very important role to play at this time and are most likely aware of the tasks that they have come to Earth to complete.
Obviously being caught in a world where they are unable to connect fully with others is very frustrating for them. Just coping with the various disabilities they have, is a major task. Many will be surprised by the thought that underneath their behavioural and cognitive disorders, the young people who are afflicted with autism, are possibly more acutely aware than others of what is going on around them. This has been demonstrated very dramatically by Del Bigtree, director of the films Vaxxed and Vaxxed 2 who has interviewed one of the young people he has been in contact with over a period of several years. Now, because of a breakthrough in teaching non-verbal young people with autism how to communicate, we know that the autism symptoms are not caused by brain damage, but rather by some mechanism that is blocking messages from passing along the appropriate pathways and it is my belief that the blocks can be removed using the Stress Defusion technique. My goal is to identify and work with 3 or 4 young people who are autistic to refine the Stress Defusion process and adapt it to work effectively with young people with autism. This will also provide confirmation that my hypothesis is correct. If I am right, significant change will occur over a period of 3 months and involve about 10 x 1 hour sessions for each person. This is the initial stage. Once I have proof that Stress Defusion work is significant in helping those who are autistic, a programme will need to be developed to help a much larger group. I believe this will involve both alternative health services, counselling, educational services and work-related training designed not just to help young people with disabilities, but to enable them to live useful and independent lives.
© Copyright Beverley Buckley