In 1967 a plan was formulated to create a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT by causing the collapse of the United States and transferring world control to the United Nations.. This plan was activated. slowly and methodically to ensure minimal opposition and little resistance. In 1985 a second meeting of the 6.6.6. group was held to analyse progress and make amendments where necessary and to clarify the process that was being implemented.
This terrifying document was produced in 1985 and its relevance to events since that date cannot be denied. The committee of the 6.6.6. group decided that the plan to control the world would involve a range of initiative including, amongst others:
* international free trade,
* control of TV and media,
* transfer of job from the primary sector of industry,
* austerity budgets,
* restructuring and militarisation of police
* firearms control
* using electro-magnetic weaponry to effect climate change
* poisoning of nature
* reduction of food production.
I present the preamble to this document in its entirety because its relevance to the world of 2020 cannot be overestimated. The preamble stated:
"The last eighteen years were very profitable for the progress of our world projects. I can say to you, Brothers, that we touch now almost the goal. The fall of the Nation States is not more than a question of time, relatively short, I have to admit to you confidently”.
Due to our Infiltration Agents and our colossal financial resources, unprecedented progress has now been made in all areas of Science and Technology of which we control the largest corporations financially. Since secret meetings with M. de Rothschild within the 56 years, which were aimed at finalising the development and implementation of the World "Computers", it is now possible to foresee the establishment of a kind of "International Highway" where all these machines are interconnected. Because, as you already know the direct control of individual populations of the planet at the very least would be be totally impossible without the use of computers and attaching them to each other in a vast "Global Network". These machines also have the advantage of replacing millions of people. In addition, they have neither conscience nor any moral, which is essential for the success of a project like ours. Above all, these machines do, without question, everything is dictated to them. They are perfect slaves which our predecessors have dreamed, but not that they were able to doubt that one day it would be possible to perform such a miracle. These machines without country, without colour, without religion, without political affiliation, are the ultimate fulfilment of our tool and the New World Order. They are the “Cornerstone"!
The organisation of these machines in a vast "World Network" the superior levers of which we shall control, will serve us to immobilise the populations.
As you know, the basic structure of our New World Order consists, in its essence, of a multitude of diverse "Networks" each covering all the spheres of the human activity on the whole of the planet. Until this day, all these "Networks" were interconnected by a common ideological base: that of the Man as being the "Centre" and the "Ultimate Fulfilment" of the Universe.
So, thanks to all these "Networks" united by the "New Religion of Man for Man", we were easily able to infiltrate all the human sectors in all the Western countries, and to modify the "Judeo -Christian" base. The result is that today, the Man that it is a part of Political, Economic, Social, Educational, Scientific or Religious aspects, already has, since our last Réunion of the end of June, 67, abandoned his past inheritance. He has replaced it with our ideal of a World religion based only on the Man. Cut off as he is now from his historical roots, this Man does not wait any more. He has adopted a new ideology. This, properly understood, is ours, that of the "Global Village Community", which will be the "Centre".
And that is precisely what we will give him, encouraging him to take part, "Body and Soul", in this "Global Electronic Network" where the borders of nation-states have been forever abolished, wiped out up to their deepest roots.
While this misled man will be absorbed by his blind enthusiasm to be a part of its new "World Community.” As a part of this vast "Network of Computers", manipulated by the superior levers which will be hidden from him, we will have the ability to file, to identify, to record, and to make profits according to our own objectives.
Inside this "New Global Society", no individual having a potential of "Profitability" for us, can escape us. The constant contribution of the "Electronic Technology" will provide us with all the means to file, identify, and control all the individuals within the populations of the West. We will ensure that those who do not represent "Exploitable Profitability" for ourselves, are eliminated through all the local civil wars that we have taken care to break out here and there through the work of our servants; and the "Fall of the Economy" of the Nation-States; and the "Oppositions and Claims" of various groups within those states.
To multiply tenfold the "Society of the Leisure activities" by which we have assured the ruin of the food industries of Nation States. The future of the "Control of the Populations" of these States passes necessarily by the absolute control, by us, of the food production at the world level, and by the takeover of the main "Food Roads" of the planet. To do it, it is necessary to use Electro-Magnetics, among others, to destabilise the climates of the most productive States on the agricultural plan. As for the poisoning of the nature, it will be accelerated all the more as the increase of the populations will push it without restriction there.
What follows is a summary of how Stage 2 of The Toronto Protocol was to be implemented.
- Invention of "Video" and games which are connected with it, will be used to corrupt the morality of the youth so that the youth will have neither ideals, nor internal strength to defend their values. Young people will be "Individualist" by nature, and will be perfect candidates for modification according to our desires and our priorities. This was what was done by our predecessors in Germany.
- Encouragement of “causes” connected with compulsory protection of “Ecology” in preparation for the loss of 33% of all land which will be designated “wild state”.
- Use of computers within the education system so that children become the slaves of the computers that we control.
- Establishment of “International Free Trade” which will accelerate the decline of nations, isolate “nationalists” within diverse factions and set them against each other.
- Opening the doors of western countries to massive immigration to destabilise their internal economy and provoke local conflicts. Ensure that foreign extremists are included within the immigrant influxes.
- Introduction of “Free Trade” to facilitate discord by increasing unemployment connected with the restructuring of our Multinationals.
- Gaining access to a cheap and non-union workforce in countries where the governments are set up by us, and rely on foreign aid and loans from the IMF and World Bank. improved employment opportunities provide populations with the illusion of economic liberation and build an appetite for increased earnings. Western countries will gradually decrease production and companies will be forced to close. Closures will increase unemployment and reduce the ability of nation states to remain economically viable.
- Establishment of a “Global Economy” where no political or labour-union pressure can have power over it. This will force political re-organisation according to our priorities at the world level.
- Establishment of a “World Mass Culture” through control of TV and media. Artists will be in our image or will not survive.
- Enforcement of submission of recalcitrant countries through use of Military Forces so that they will not be able to escape our desire to use their people as slave labour.
- Control of world markets and turning production against mankind where the only choice for man is to become a slave.
- Transfer multinationals abroad to provide cheap basic products which, in the longer term, will ensure unemployment. Exaggerate employment in services that people are unable to pay for. Extreme conditions will increase the masses of welfare recipients, illiterates and homeless people.
- Remove millions of jobs from the primary sector and disrupt social harmony through the spectre of civil war.
- Use the IMF to enforce “Budgets of Austerity” to cause the imaginary reduction of “National Debt” and the hypothetical preservation of credit ratings, or the impossible conservation of social peace. Doing so will break the ability of nation states to finance their own projects which represent a direct threat to our control of the world economy. Break national control of energy, agriculture, transport and technology. Encourage reduction of salaries and introduce technology to replace people in the workforce.
- Get rid of all individuals having a Judea-Christian consciousness.
- Restructure police and military bodies such that the old staff will be replaced by young recruits devoid of consciousness and morality, favourable to the mindless us of our “technology of electronic networks.
- Transfer military bases of Nation States to the United Nations and re-organise the United Nations peace keeping force so that it becomes a “Rapid Deployment Force” where it will be merged with the armed forces of Nation states, effectively ensuring that nation states are not sufficiently powerful to question our “World Power”. We will use the media, which we control, to demonstrate the inability of the existing national forces to enforce peace and push to ensure that the population of nation states beg international authorities to form multinational forces to protect peace.
- Establish a combination police and military task force under the pretext of controlling increased political and social instability that will be caused by economic problems. Excessive use of identification and electronic recording information of individuals will supply us with complete surveillance of all intended populations.
- Converge the implementation of a “Judicial World Centre” and police of nation states to have access to data on individuals who are potentially dangerous to us. Establish an “International Court” and a “World Judicial System,” the first for civil affairs and criminal individuals, the second for Nation States.
- Control firearms inside nation states by accelerating the ALPHA PLAN commenced during the 60’s, namely “Crazy Shooters” who create a climate of insecurity and fostering direct acts of violence involving religious extremists. It will be imperative for us to complete world control of firearms as soon as possible.
- Application of electro-magnetic weapons. “Changes in climate” entail destruction of harvest, bankruptcy of farmers, denaturation of farmlands and of food, poisoning of nature by exaggerated and mindless exploitation and the massive use of chemicals. To do this it is necessary to use electro-magnetics, among other strategies, to destabilise the climates of the most productive states.
- The use of electro-magnetics to cause earthquakes in the most important industrial areas of the nation states will contribute to the acceleration of the “Economic Fail”.
- Those who dare to criticise us or broadcast information about our “Plot” will be treated with suspicion in the eyes of the authorities. Independent individuals who are most dangerous to us because of their freedom will be treated as enemies and not liberators. Slavery of the children, plunder of the wealth of the Third World, unemployment, propaganda for the liberation of drugs, exhaustion of the young, ideology of personal freedom, inter-ethnic conflicts and our last realisation: budgetary restrictions will allow the ancestral fulfilment of our dream: that of the institution of our NEW World ORDER>
These 23 points summarise information contained within a document written 1985 by Serge Monast and later published by the self publishing house, Lulu in 1995 by Serge Monast.
Once you have read this document, I suggest that you look at what has happened since 1985 with the intention of identifying how the plans that are described in this document and in the document written following the 1967 meeting, have been rolled out. Once you do this, you cannot fail to recognise that the trends that are becoming more and more obvious have been planned for a reason and that reason is to allow a small group of individuals to control the world for their own purposes.
© Copyright Beverley Buckley