Reviews of Everything in its Place

Neil Bennell O.B.E.

Through the development of a technique that allows individuals to easily access the contents of their subconscious minds and identify negative programmes they have created for themselves, Beverley has identified something very important.  Demonstrating over and over again with case studies that provide compelling reading, she describes changes that occur when people identify and address the negative programmes they have created for themselves as children,  The strategy she describes has been shown to transform peoples' experience f life from academic misfit, sporting incompetent and social outcast to encompass academic excellence, adoption of leadership roles and positive relationships with themselves and their peers.  Fascinating reading, her work provides the basis for further investigation.

Kerry MT Sweet

Everything in its Place is well presented and insightful leaving the reader with many considerations with regard to where we are and where we could be headed.  It balances both intellectual and esoteric themes with aplomb and is by far my most interesting read of the year.

Karen Perttula

Beverley is a Master Story Teller!  Everything in its Place is filled with tieless wisdom and helps the Reader to transform their life from vicim to victor.  through her work with the Stress Defusion technique and her conversations with the Elohim, Beverley guides you as a Pilgrim on life's rich journey.  Similar to Michael Singer's "The Surrender Experiment" Beverley will  have you following your guidance and trusting that you are heading in the right direction through the Matrix.  What an amazing journey this inspiring and competent lady has had.

David Sands

Everything in its Place is a document of personal and external achievement.  It is an interesting bland of plain English explanation of hard science, personal anecdotes, experimentation and spiritual inofrmation.  It is a remarkably appealing and inspirational document.

Vivian Waring (author When Tears Ran Dry)

Highly informative insight into the mysteries of the self-healing powers of the mind.  A personal, intuitive, and enlightening account of dealing with various mental health issues.

© Copyright Beverley Buckley