Janette had advanced visual skills as a pre-schooler and was able to complete adult jigsaw puzzles but she had minimal language skills. She didn’t speak properly until she was four years old and couldn’t provide a narrative until much later.
Janette had her first Stress Defusion session mid-way through the year. She was concurrently doing language therapy.
The most noticeable and immediately apparent change in Janette’s behaviour was the loss of her morbid fear of dogs. Another important improvement was her preparedness to answer the telephone. She also took to dressing herself and tying her shoelaces which she had not done previously and she can now put her shoes on the appropriate feet without me showing her which is which.
Following her first session Janette’s speech therapist noticed a marked improvement in her comprehension ability. This surprised me as Janette had not done any of the required speech therapy homework during this time. Her overall speech is now greatly improved.
Although she is not an enthusiastic reader, Janette is now able to read anything appropriate to her age. She is still working with the Support Teacher, Learning Difficulties at school who has been very impressed with her progress. Janette complains that the work is far too easy and babyish.
I have seen the school councillor recently and she confirms that Janette’s social skills have improved. I notice that when playing with her peers, her verbal abilities are more developed than they used to be. Her overall speech is greatly improved.
Janette has taught herself to skip this year. This is something she often tried before but was never able to master it. She is willing to sample new and different foods and to eat vegetables, none of which she would do before.
Mother of Janette (Age 9)
Thank you so much for the wonderful help you have given Adam. The other day he left a message on my answering machine while I was at work and for the very first time I did not have to replay it to catch all he said. It was very clear. It was so wonderful.
Wendy (Mother of Adam, Aged 17)
I have just completed my second book of over 500 pages in three weeks! As you know I have never been a good reader and always felt intimidated by any book over 100 pages. I never dreamed at the age of 50 I would get a new enthusiasm and skill for reading.
I feel certain that the work we did together has created this change in me. Thank you! I will be grateful always.
Lee (Course of Miracles Teacher)
I’m feeling much better. I’m a lot more confident and I’m giving things a go which I wouldn’t have done before. I’m getting on better with friends and play a lot more. I feel I’ve got more friends. My brother has been good to me in the past couple of weeks. No more teasing and tormenting.
Ritchie (Age 10)
Since our visit to see you I am writing to let you know of the improvements Gabrielle has had since her appointment with you:-
- Her skin does not flair up when she gets a scratch on her body, like it used to.
- Her speech is more fluid and confident.
- Her sensitivity to touch has changed to a much more tolerable level for her and she is able to allow me to touch her on what were previously sensitive and painful points.
- Her ability to read has improved considerably.
- Her general overall character has changed. She is much more confident, happy and expressive.
These changes occurred very quickly for Gabrielle and not doubt are of great benefit to her general well-being. Thank you for your help.
Adrienne (Mother of Gabrielle)
Since Year 2, my 10 year old daughter Natanja has been withdrawn and lately has become very frustrated by her inability to fully understand and follow lessons in her class. Her maths concepts were at a very low level (37/100) Her form of expression was slow and poor.
This led to distressful emotional problems with her peers and at home she became angry and aggressive. Her self-esteem was very low and she referred to herself as “stupid”.
Through her school she was tested and found to be of above average intelligence but her verbal test results were very poor. The conclusion reached was that her problem was comprehension. After several months of tutoring and no significant improvement, I was referred to Beverley Buckley by my chiropractor who had seen amazing results in his grand-children as a consequence of her work.
We met with Beverley at the beginning of first term. Following the first session Natanja became enthusiastic about her work and seemed happier. By the third and last session, at the end of first term, Natanja had moved from the lower level of her class to the middle. Her teacher reported her as dramatically changed, active and enthusiastic in class. Her marks are proof: 92% in spelling and only 5 errors in her 3-page maths test. She now fully understands maths concepts at her level.
She tells me she is feeling much happier. She has new friends and I have no doubt that she will continue to progress as she now has the will and the confidence necessary to achieve
I can only be grateful to Beverley and recommend highly her advanced techniques to any parent who has a child with either learning or character difficulties.
Sophie (mother of Natanja)
My visit lasted for one hour and I am amazed at the improvement in my daughter’s reading and general confidence in mathematics. The results were immediately noticeable. I would say, remarkable. What Beverley Buckley has to offer is quite unique and above all it really gets positive results. She truly cares about children.
Jill (Mother of Karen)
During the session I remembered growing up in a temporary house with a dirt floor in places and everyone in one room to sleep. I remembered my fear of the house being flooded when it rained. I was afraid of the dark, and of spiders because the house was ramshackle. As a child I decided “I am just like my father. ” Then I went back into a past life when I lived in a place of luxury. I think it was Russia. I was walking through the snow and looking back at my beautiful home and knew I was going to be shot by the soldiers who were behind us. I didn’t re-experience the bullet but all the time I was wondering why this was happening and what I had done to deserve it.
A few days after the session I had a vicious headache and I needed to sleep. I phoned to check how many clients I had the next day and found I was fully booked. This had never happened before and I burst into tears because I desperately wanted to stop the poverty.
On the Sunday after our session I woke feeling well and have been that way since. My left eye vision is sharper, clearer and more profound than before. Overall, feeling terrific. Took loads of clothes, books, etc. out of the house and felt even better. I desire to get rid of more stuff. I don’t want to hoard any more.
More clients are coming and consultations are going well so maybe I have overcome the poverty and have let go the need to be “just like my father”.
Narelle (Astrologer)
Before working with Stress Defusion I lacked concentration and had limited ability to absorb information. Also I had symptoms of anxiety and a negative outlook on life in general, anger towards parents and people in general not being able to control and understand negative emotions. I had four sessions in total.
After 4 sessions my outlook towards life, friends, family, people and relationships have all greatly improved as well as my learning ability and capacity to retain information. I am now more confident within myself. I am more relaxed and able to observe emotions in myself objectively and control them. My ability to socialise has greatly improved. This was poor previously. I now feel even more improvement with myself and with each month that passes.
My initial session was like nothing I had ever experienced or thought possible to experience. I was totally impressed and amazed and quietly hoped the blood tests I was planning would support what I thought had taken place.
Bev warned me that I might have some kind of physical or emotional reaction to the session. I did. My reaction was immediate. I spent three days in bed. When I returned to work I felt better than I had in a long time. I tested my blood hoping for positive results. I was shocked by what I saw. I had never seen my blood showing what I was seeing. I was looking at the blood results of someone with chronic, degenerative disease. Only 7 days earlier, my blood had not looked anything like this.
Two weeks later I took two more samples. This time my blood was better than it had ever been before. My blood showed not only improvement compared with two weeks earlier, but improvement compared with any other time.
I can’t explain these results scientifically. I assume that Stress Defusion causes changes in the cellular memory and this allows a physical response. A change in the “mental programme” causes a change in the “physical programmes”. This change was needed in order to create the results that I saw, which were astounding.
Lisa (Naturopath)
In twelve months working with Stress Defusion I got rid of all the chronic pain in my body. I also learnt to listen to my body pain and acknowledge its message rather than cringe and moan about it in a fighting, suppressive manner. This is the most extraordinary thing I have learnt in life.
Specific sites of pain were released during Stress Defusion sessions. The pain disappeared immediately. I was amazed each time. I now know that these pain sites were linked to emotional trauma being experienced at the time. Damage to my coccyx as a child at boarding school was linked to missing my family. The car crash when I crushed my thorax and broke a bone in my spine was linked to infidelity in marriage. When I accepted the pain and understood its connection to what was going on and the time and felt the pain of that, both the physical and the emotional pain were felt and released. Pain has been replaced by vitality and freedom of expression.
I suffered about twelve severe asthma attacks per year for about 6 years.
The onset of asthma coincided with leaving my children after a marriage breakdown. This, I discovered, was significant because through Stress Defusion I was able to trace back the origin of the asthma to being abandoned in winter and being left alone to cope as a five year old. Several Stress Defusion sessions allowed me to work through my childhood fears and the terror associated with being abandoned. The terror of feeling alone in the Byron Bay park was the same terror I had felt as a child.
My first Stress Defusion session allowed me to totally release my fear of abandonment. As a result of my traumatic childhood, I had developed a strategy of observing the world as an outsider, disassociated from what was going on as a way of avoiding the feeling of panic whenever I felt abandoned.
I talked to a fellow chronic fatigue sufferer who’d been in a real mess and wasn’t at all certain that he was going to survive until he was persuaded to have a Stress Defusion session. He said it really worked and nothing else he had tried had made any difference. He was back working and he’d lost his fear of heights. I figured if it helped him, it could help me too. I hate to think where I’d be now is I hadn’t talked to that guy from Armidale.
The biggest hurdle I had to overcome was to look at the real me, warts and all, and to see that I had a problem. Stress Defusion has allowed me to understand what was making me the way I was. You think you know, but it’s not the truth. Stress Defusion helps you see the truth and it’s pretty scary. I used to think I was better than everyone else. Now I don’t have to prove it. I know who I am and accept myself for who I am. I don’t need to make out I’m important any more and I don’t need others to prop me up.
Soon after I had my first Stress Defusion session I resigned from my job and moved to Blackbutt.
In my previous job I had learnt that it didn’t work being in control and responsible for everything and everyone. If something went wrong, it seemed that I was also the one who was blamed. When I arrived in Blackbutt and got a new job I decided to let others take responsibility. Almost immediately I found I took the blame for things that went wrong - again! Through the Stress Defusion process I discovered that I had decided at some time in my life that “people who are weak are irresponsible” and at some other time I decided that “asking for help is a sign of weakness.” Initially, I chose to do everything myself and be in control. Then I tried not being in control and I was judged as irresponsible. I got blamed either way.
Having understood this, I realised that my only choice was to be totally honest. When I had a gut feeling that something wasn’t right, I told people. If I had a suggestion as to how things could be improved, I mentioned it. When I was angry at things that others were doing, I told them I was angry but before I could do this I had to take ownership of my reactions. Relationships and work and within my family have changed dramatically since I began working with the Stress Defusion process. My family and workmates are a lot more comfortable around one another. The changes, I know, are a reflection of my own change. I am a lot more comfortable with me than I was before and through Stress Defusion I have learnt to be honest with myself.
My first session was unbelievable. During the session I felt all the hurt and anger built up since childhood. I uttered profanities that shocked even me. At the conclusion of the session I was exhausted. I slept for 48 hours not understanding what was happening. A month later I had the same experience but I gradually started to understand what Stress Defusion offered.
Over a period of several months I worked to rid myself of my negative programmes. Gradually my life changed until one day I realised that I had experienced a massive shift. I was no longer hopeless. I was optimistic and felt totally comfortable with myself and with the knowledge I had relating to my life’s purpose.
Keri (Naturopath)
Through Stress Defusion I have realised that I want to be an achiever but I have been running a programme that “achievement is dangerous”. Achievement, I now realise, is dangerous because to achieve you have to keep achieving and this takes a lot of commitment. Previously, unable to let go control and “go with the flow” I remained stuck and unhappy. My stuck-ness was reinforced by my habit of negative thinking. Obviously, I am also frightened of commitment.
I have still got a long way to go to be fully accepting of myself. At least I now understand what I do. I can see what others do. I understand that negativity brings us what we expect and talk about, but not what we want. Most importantly I have the tools I need to make the changes because I know that positive thinking alone does not make the difference.
I was a bit sceptical when my wife had her first Stress Defusion session. I was told that the work she was doing would also affect me. Following that session the whole family, including my mother in New Zealand, went through a detoxification process. After that I thought nothing could surprise me. I was wrong.
In my first Stress Defusion session I understood how angry I was. In another session I realised how much the death of an old cart horse had affected me when I was fifteen. I didn’t say goodbye. My little sister drowned and I didn’t say goodbye to her either. I held the pain in my heart until it got so painful I thought I had angina. When, during the Stress Defusion session we worked through that issue, I realised that the pain we feel in our bodies is the result of the emotional pain we don’t allow ourselves to feel. Once I felt the sadness associated with those two events, my heart pain disappeared.
I realised how far I have come when I went to a mate’s funeral a little while ago. I cried. Even more, I wasn’t ashamed that I cried. Some might not see that as progress, but believe me…. that’s progress. I’m a different man from what I was when I had my first Stress Defusion session - and a much happier one.
I recently had the privilege of spending two weeks in Tasmania with Beverley Buckley who is a skilled practitioner with many years of experience working with both adults & children.
I have had Dyslexia all my life. I always found it hard to read and write and to spell words. I’d tried lots of things in the past to help myself but nothing seemed to work. My life was full of frustration & suppressed anger at my inability to function adequately in day to day living. I found the first session that Beverley did for me very profound and felt I had found a therapy that could, at last, help me.
Beverley used a Crystal which she asked me to follow with my eyes, by doing this Beverley would help me find the blocks that were held in my body that were causing my Dyslexia. Then Beverley encouraged me to talk about the feelings and thoughts around the blocked spot we had found. With the expression of information given & Beverley’s insights the emotional charge released itself & I was able to view traumatic events in my life from an entirely new perspective. Beverley would then go back and retest to see if the blockage had moved on or if I needed to do more in the session. Often the blocks come forward in layers that need to be released one at a time. Beverley is sensitive to unconscious energy fields and is very good at working with you to clear what is needed. After I the first session I found that by using the technique Beverly taught me I am reading a book much more calmly. It is a very noticeable change to me. I went on to have several other sessions with her and found I had a great response to her work. I found the Stress Defusion Technique to be a remarkable therapy with very noticeable & ongoing results. I would recommend this therapy to be tried not only for dyslexia but for many other life challenges one can find ones self facing including autism & physical problems. I am so grateful to have spent this time with Beverley and am thankful for her wisdom and help. I’m sure her recently published book & personal sessions can help many people.
Prior to my session with Beverley I had pain in my hips and legs which made it difficult to walk. That problem went away immediately and hasn't returned. What was unexpected was the clarity I felt following the two sessions I had. It was as if I was seeing everything through new eyes. I felt as if I was a bird that had been released from its cage: a cage I had created for myself. I felt I had released a burden that I had been carrying for years. I mainly felt a sense of freedom and as a consequence I was able to make new and different choices for my life.
This was certainly life changing and extraordinary.
Beverley Buckley has had a profound positive impact on my life, especially since I booked a healing session with her. Bev is a creative thinker, an individual who is an observer of the human condition and as such, a natural healer. She has developed her own healing protocols which she confidently and skilfully employs I have experienced her healing powers and found them to be most effective in the treatment of my personal blocks: blocks that I had created, decisions I had made that no longer serve me.
I have always felt a close connection with the divine field; these days though, I experience an even more profound flow of abundance - an abundance of love, creativity and compassion. I believe Bev’s healing energy has had a powerful impact on my life and for that I will forever be grateful for her.
Recently, I was having a particularly unpleasant reaction to a dear friend’s perfume. I experienced allergy reactions such as headaches and nausea I spoke to Bev about these unpleasant reactions and she said: “It isn’t an allergic reaction. It’s more likely a smell that reminds you of past life trauma when you were a natural healer and you used the herbs that the perfume contains. As she presented her hypothesis I thought: “She is right”.
The next time I met my friend, I had no reaction at all to the perfume. Since then, although I still don’t like the smell of that particular perfume, I am not nauseous. I cope much better with the smell than I did before the conversation I had with Bev. I have been amazed by that change. It occurred instantaneously.