Indoctrination is a powerful tool and we have been well and truly indoctrinated with the message that man-generated CO2 is the most important factor creating global warming. Once a message like this is firmly entrenched, it is difficult to dislodge particularly when mainstream media does not cover information that is at variance from the official narrative.
To make the CO2 message sufficiently strong to enforce action, major fear strategies or extreme penalties are required to ensure people fall into line. As the world’s leading exporter of fossil fuels Australia is a prime candidate for a demonstration to the rest of the world. What happened in Australia In January, 2020 shows what countries other can expect if they don’t fall into line with New World Order plans.
In apparent conflict with promoting increasing levels of fossil fuel exports, the Australian government is working towards implementing Agenda 2030, a blueprint for world governance, which advocates radical changes to the central role of ownership, land rights and natural resources and programmes to reduce CO2 emissions. Plans for a high-speed railway line between Melbourne and Brisbane (CLARA) to be built at an estimated cost of $114 billion are being formulated. The government has already allocated $50 million to begin phase 1 of this project. 5G technology is being rolled out fast.
During the summer of 2019/2020 Australia showed the world what happens, ostensibly because CO2 levels have risen. But we only see fires as a consequence of CO2-caused global warming when we believe what we have been told: CO2 is the primary culprit which is causing global warming. When the events leading up to the 2019/2020 Australian fire season are analysed, it looks as if high temperatures and drought conditions have been exacerbated by actions that are man-made. It does not appear that the fires were exclusively natural in origin, extent or intensity. Once all the facts are known it is possible to explain the intensity and extent of the fires in terms of both government policies and natural phenomena.
Australia is a country of climate extremes. Much of it is desert. Floods and fires have always been accepted as a normal aspect of Australian life. But the fires of 2019/20 have differed from previous years in terms of the extent and ferocity. Fires have consumed areas that are normally thought of as being relatively safe. Photographs taken immediately after the fires show some troubling aspects: houses totally destroyed while the trees that stand beside them remain green and untouched, cars incinerated with streams of molten metal surrounding them, hundreds of fires starting simultaneously over a wide area and, significantly, intense heat which, according to experienced fire fighters, is unprecedented. Even more troubling are photographs which have been taken by volunteer fire fighters. of what appear to be direct energy laser beams directed into forest areas and reports by firefighters of soil temperatures being tested at 500 degrees celsius three days after the fires passed through an area.
The media is explaining the fires as a consequence of climate change and while high temperatures and extended periods of drought are factors, they may not provide the full explanation for what is happening. Other factors include government action and inaction, greed and complacency and malfeasance. Lack of awareness of the power of natural forces by members of the general population has led to outpourings of hysteria, anger and grief. Some of these factors can be explained in terms of inexperience and poor decision-making but it is not unreasonable to wonder whether ‘coincidences’ might the result of deliberate planning rather than simply misfortune or an unlucky series of coincidences.
Some of the things leading up to the Australian fires, which explain their intensity and destructiveness have been: use of climate modification technologies, legislation relating to water storage and water usage in Australia and regulations involving land clearing and fire control strategies.
Climate modification technology
Late in 2019, weird weather patterns were identified giving ‘echoes’ of metal of plastics being recorded. In September of 2019 sudden stratospheric warming took place 30 km above the South Pole. It was predicted that this phenomena would deepen the already severe Australian drought but no explanation for its occurrence was provided. (
Possibly the most worrying of recent developments in relation to climate control is the application of research into geo-engineering in the form of chemtrails the chemical composition of which has been shown to include:
Strontium — emits flammable gases on contact with water;
Barium — a flammable solid that produces hydrogen gas;
Aluminum dust — reacts with water, acids and alkalis, gives off hydrogen gas;
Magnesium — highly flammable especially when powdered;
Aluminum Oxide — dust forms explosive mixtures in the air;
Thorium — pyrophoric, ignites spontaneously;
Lithium — flammable and potentially explosive when exposed to air and water.
These are the makings of a form of chemical fire known as a “metals fire” which gets worse when water is added. The chemicals listed above are industrial waste products. They have been sprayed all over Australia for the past decade or longer in the form of chemtrails. It is not unreasonable to ask whether chemtrail residue has caused the intense nature of the Australian fires.
Additionally, Australia has an extensive radar network operation similar to HAARP. There is little or no information available as to the purpose of this network is not generally understood. This network has recently been upgraded at a cost of $12 billion.
Legislation relating to water storage and water usage
Legislation in recent years has resulted in major water shortages. Cubby Station, near the headwaters of the Darling River, has been allowed to use a system of floodplain harvesting which has resulted in 1500 kilometres of the Darling River drying up. The entire eco-system along the Darling River is collapsing with the red river gums dying from lack of water because water has been harvested by one private, foreign-owned company. Other water storage systems have been built at taxpayer expense but this water is designated for specific purposes, not for use by farmers in the surrounding areas. While this has happened, the Menindee Lakes that have supplied Broken Hill with water in the past, are virtually dry.
Such large amounts of water stored in the Hume Reservoir have been released for use by large corporation-owned almond orchards down-river that the Murray River channel has overflown its banks and water is saturating and killing swamp forests along the river channel. Water is allowed to go into areas where it is not needed but is not being made available to farmers along the river systems who are experiencing severe drought conditions. Government authorities, whose job it is to manage water systems, are wasting millions of litres of it.
Additionally, the sinking of thousands of fracking wells throughout inland Australia has caused the water level of the Great Artesian Basin to be lowered. Each of the more than 40,000 wells that have been drilled in Australia uses between 1.5 and 16 million gallons of water and the water of the Great Artesian Basin, which normally feeds river tributaries throughout Australia, is being depleted. Rivers, normally fed from underground water resources, have ceased to flow causing vast areas of abnormally dry vegetation. Towns and farms which rely on artesian water supplies are running dry and there is talk of evacuating towns that have run out of water. What have for decades been perennial rivers and streams in the wetter coastal areas of Australia, have dried up.
Inexplicably, government funding for fire control has been reduced. NSW unexpected cut $129 million in funding for Fire and Rescue in 2019.
Regulations relating to forest management
A number of regulations relating to forest management and vegetation clearing have been implemented which has meant fire hazard precautions such as back burning have been more difficult to carry out as part of fire control strategies. This has meant that forest debris has accumulated and it is this that fed the intensity of the fires. Regulations involving severe penalties prevent clearing around houses have been imposed on those who have acted to safeguard their properties from fire. Probably one of the most significant change has been to close fire trails that were built to provide access to forest areas. This has caused these roads and tracks to become overgrown and unusable so that vast areas of forested areas are now inaccessible by vehicles such as fire trucks. The reason given for this decision was to ‘protect’ forest areas.
In addition to burning large areas of forest, the fires have destroyed communities: homes, businesses and farms. They have killed both native and domestic animals. They have killed people and exposed thousands of others to events of sheer terror. These are some of the negative aspects associated with the fires but rather than focusing solely on the negative aspects, but for full awareness it is important to also identify positive aspects. Perhaps at a metaphysical level the fires are aspects of an agenda which is spiritual in essence, designed to transform people’s thinking and bring balance and equilibrium to Earth.
Earth is holographic in nature and has a chakra system similar to that of humans. Each chakra is designed to transform energy, received from the Universe, to a vibrational frequency that is usable on Earth. If a line is drawn through the Earth’s chakra points, it forms an infinity pattern. Uluru, in central Australia is a major chakra point and Australia’s indigenous people have been doing a lot of work to reconsecrate Uluru. This is the primary reason why people can no longer climb this gigantic rock.
Messages received from Archangel Metatron,channelled through Amanda Ellis ( indicate that dramatic things are happening in relation to Earth’s chakra points or vortexes, starting with Uluru where energy is being activated and distributed as if from a central battery.
According to the channelled message, activation of the chakra centres will occur from east to west and when the process is complete, all the power centres of Earth will be back 100% on-line. Activation will take several years to complete. The message indicates that each chakra activation will be accompanied by a purging of old energies. In Australia, the purging has been through fire. Anything that doesn’t match the higher frequency energies that are coming in has been, and is being removed so that higher frequency energies are able to come through.
In Australia’s case, much of the old energy seems to be associated with Australia’s convict era and the suffering, pain, betrayal and abuse suffered by people who were transported to Australia. It is interesting that much of the area that was settled in the early times of colonial settlement is the area that has been affected by fire during the 2019/2020 summer.
The message received from Archangel Metatron indicates that the fire is regenerative and will allow peace and compassion to be brought in. For many the experience has been humbling: total vulnerability in the face of the overwhelming force of nature. Ironically, large quantities of CO2 have been released: a direct contradiction of the aims of the Paris Climate Accord and the wishes of the IPCC. The indications are that these fires may well be transformative and we should pause to respect this process and the suffering of the many who have been involved in this transformative process.
© Copyright Beverley Buckley