On the 15th December, 2020 Mary Rose and Bev talked about the imminent Uluru activation, when energy will flow out from Uluru, along Earth's ley lines, cause the activation of Earth's energy vortexes in places such as Mt Shasta and Glastonbury and eventually encompass Earth. In the process, the remnants of low frequency energy, caused by Earth's history of violence, brutality, torture, will be released. Bev explains that this process is similar to what happens in the human body, when low vibrational stuck energy, a consequence of past trauma, is released. The process on Earth is being assisted by the unique planetary alignment that is occurring on the 21st December and the great increased in incoming energy flow as measured by the Schumann Resonance.
Bev and Mary discuss states of frequency with particular relevance to the tactics that have been used to keep Earth and its people stuck in 3rd dimensional frequency: by the powerful elite. Their fear is that Earth's people are shifting into 4th and 5th dimensional frequency which greatly reduces their ability to stay in control. It is now being reported that 15% of Earth's population are now accessing 5th dimensional frequency occasionally and in this frequency people live in harmony with nature and with each other. The process has a downside which is that as the energy frequency increases, our bodies have to let go the negative emotional energy that has been stuck so that our bodies can handle the higher frequency of Earth. For many this is quite a distressing experience because it involves reliving and coming to terms with past traumatic situations. The Uluru activation is accelerating the speed that Earth's energy frequency is increasing.
To listen to the discussion on the Uluru activation, andthe consequences of Earth's process of moving into higher energy frequencies copy and paste the link below into your browser.
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