For thousands of years the people of Earth have operated at what is called third dimensional frequency and the Earth's energy has been stable at 7.8 Hz.
Third Dimensional Frequency
Third dimensional frequency is the frequency that supports "service to self" such that people have strived to have, be and do whatever makes them as successful as they can possibly be. They strive for possessions which demonstrate how successful they are to others who look up to those who "have". The people who have benefited most from this frequency are those who have learnt to make others subservient to their needs. They have enslaved, repressed, brutalised and subjugated others. In the guise of superiority, they have caused others to feel inferior.
Some people have acquired authority from birth, marriage, skin colour, nationality, caste and/or religious affiliation and they have used their authority to create a society in which the laws that are put in place, benefit them specifically. Others have acquired status through acquisition of money, power or intelligence, rising through the ranks of mankind to become leaders. This status has been passed down to their children. Those who rise to the top in a third dimensional frequency world know how to manipulate others and to use the energy of others for their own benefit.
Emotions such as sadness, fear, anger, rage and humiliation have a low vibrational frequency. These are the dominant emotions in a three dimensional world. Living in a world where such emotions predominate, causes us to stay in lower frequency. Rather than feeling these emotions appropriately and releasing them, we tend to repress them and hold onto them within our bodies. If an individual wants to increase their personal energy frequency, these emotions must be felt without judgement. This allows them to be released. If a person is enslaved or brutalised it is understandable that they feel anger, but being in a position of subservience, expressing anger can be dangerous. Some hold onto anger and fear because it motivates them to do more and work hard.
Fourth dimensional frequency
After 1987 the world started to change. The Schumann Resonance, the energy coming into Earth, started to increase gradually and some of Earth's people started to move into fourth dimensional frequency. In fourth dimensional frequency it was not just how much people had that was important, it was more about how much they knew. Knowledge became the key to affluence, power and influence.
Fifth dimensional frequency
From a slow start Earth's energy input increased exponentially and as we moved into the 21st Century the Schumann Resonance frequency rose to 15o Hz and stayed there for longer and longer periods. Many found the increased energy frequency difficult to cope with but it caused a shift into fifth dimensional frequency for many.
`As Earth moves into a higher vibration lies have been exposed and continue to be exposed. The dark underbelly of corruption, degradation, bestiality that defies belief is gradually being exposed and people are shocked by what they are learning the depths of depravity that mankind is capable of. This is necessary. In fifth dimensional frequency, "service to others" predominates. This is the world we are moving towards: co-operation not competition, social organisation based on love, not fear and a world of acceptance rather than judgement.
As this is happening, those who are trying to keep everyone operating in third dimensional frequency continue to undermine those who are operating in alignment with the higher energy frequency because when Earth moves to the higher frequency level they will no longer be in control. Progress into fifth dimensional frequency has been slower than it might have been because many are stuck in a fear paradigm.
Now we are witnessing the dismantling of the structures and organisations that have been built to support those who have been in control of our third dimensional frequency world, Structures and organisations such as the central banking system, the multi-national corporate system and the controlled media system were built to support those who have controlled the third dimensional world, They are in the process of being dismantled, while those on the dark side struggle to maintain control and set in place the final phase of the dark agenda. The chaos that is being experienced as we enter 2021, is a consequence of that dismantling.
Strategies designed to keep people in 3rd dimensional frequency
People have not been aware of what has been done to keep people from "waking up" because the strategies and processes that have been put in place to do this have been presented as being "of benefit to the people." The current pandemic, which may not even be real, represents a final effort to stay in power. It is becoming increasingly obvious to many that something is not right about the pandemic and that the measures being taken to control the virus are totally inappropriate. Up until now, most people have accepted what has been imposed on them and have complied with what has been presented to them via mainstream media.
Over the past 50 years, some of the things that have been introduced to keep people "dumb and unhealthy" and in third dimensional frequency have been:
1) Fluoride: "keeps people's teeth strong".
Fluoride is the by-product of aluminium smelting and nuclear weapons manufacturing. It toxicity was recognised at the beginning of the industrial revolution when it was discharged from iron and copper manufacturing plants and it poisoned the surrounding plants, animals and people. Fluoride was used by Germany during World War 2 to subdue prisoners in concentration camps and it causes a variety of health problems including: bone weakness, arthritis, thyroid toxicity, acceleration of female puberty, reduction of fertility generally and reduction of intelligence. Most importantly it calcifies the pineal gland, which is essential if one is to evolve spiritually. (
2) Chemtrails: "reduce the impact of climate change".
Chemtrails are illegal geo-engineering operations which have the ostensible purpose of massive weather and climate modification. Tests have demonstrated that chemtrails release aluminium particles, barium, radioactive global healing, copper, gallium, silicon, cobalt and iron. Aluminium is known to a factor responsible for Alzheimer's disease and is also highly combustable. Chemtrails may have been a factor contributing to the intensity of the fires in Australia and California in recent years. because aluminium fibres are highly combustable. (
3) Glyphosate: overcomes weed problems and increases agricultural production
Glyphosate is the major ingredient of weedkillers such as Roundup. Up until the time Monsanto was taken to court by Dewayne Johnson 9.4 tonnes of this produce were sprayed on American food growing fields. The situation probably hasn't changed significantly since Johnson was awarded $28 million on the basis that glyphosate causes cancer. Glyphosate destroys gut flora and causes a variety of detrimental changes in the human body and MIT researcher Stephanie Seneff has shown that it is connected with autism and gut issues, digestive enzyme impairment, celiac disease and many other health issues. Additionally glyphosate destroys soil and reduces its productivity. Use of Roundup in India was strongly promoted with the consequence that by 2018 half of India's farmers were reportedly in debt and 20,638 committed suicide in 2018 and 2019 according to India's National Crime Records Bureau. (
4) Monoculture and application of technology to farming:" stops world starvation".
Fruits and vegetables grown decades ago were much richer in vitamins and minerals than the varieties most of us buy today. The main culprit in this disturbing nutritional trend is soil depletion: modern intensive agricultural methods have stripped increasing amounts of nutrients from the soil in which the food we eat, grows.
A study on the topic by a team of researchers from the University of Texas (UT) was published in December 2004 in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition. U.S. Department of Agriculture nutritional data from 1950 and 1999 for 43 different vegetables and fruits, indicated “reliable declines” in the amount of protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, riboflavin (vitamin B2) and vitamin C over the past half century.
5) Vaccinations:" keep people healthy".
Vaccinations were rolled out in the late 1960's. The first extensive vaccination programme in Australia was the Salk vaccine against polio. Now children are vaccinated regularly from birth. There is evidence that the huge increase in problems such as autism may be linked to the vaccination programme but this is not a subject that is allowed to be discussed. Studies have also been done comparing children who have been vaccinated with those who haven't and there is a great deal of evidence that shows that non-vaccinated children are healthier than those who have been vaccinated.
Now we have the planned rollout of a vaccine to stop the current pandemic.There is much discussion that this will trigger the de-population programme that has been planned for a long time and that the vaccine being proposed will cause infertility. Whether or not the plans will be brought to fruition we do not yet know because this time, there is a large amount of opposition. People are finally waking up.
The shift to fifth dimensional frequency will happen and it could happen very soon. This is Earth's destiny. What will occur between now and when it happens will depend hugely on peoples' ability to awaken from the hypnotic state that they have succumbed to. December 21st and the Uluru activation will be significant and whilst we don't yet know what the consequences of the activation will be, I suspect that it will cause people to release emotional blocks and stuck emotional energy. Channelled information received indicates that this is what will also happen for Earth as the energy flows out from Uluru along the ley lines.
It only takes one small piece of information that doesn't fit their existing paradigm for people to start thinking: "Something's wrong here" and once that thought exists, people start to wake up from the dream spell to which they have succumbed. Perhaps that is why we have needed to experience the current "pandemic" and the lock down that has been enforced because of it. By being locked down people have been forced to "go within" rather than focusing on events in the external world. Perhaps that is why we have needed to experience these events at this time. Perhaps this is something we have needed to experience as we shift into the fifth dimensional frequency on Earth.