The Final Solution

With what seems like almost half of all mainstream media news reports in Tasmania confined to Covid 19 matters over the past 18 months, I thought it unnecessary to add more words to the mix.  However, the topic is so convoluted, so divisive and such a mishmash of lies, truths and half truths, people still have no idea what to believe after months of lock-down, social distancing and mask-wearing. Most believe the p(l)andemic is real and is a threat.

What I am attempting is a brief summary of the information that suggests that what is occurring is indeed, an orchestrated event that is far removed from reality. 

No doubt an interview between Jesse Ventura and Dr Rima Laibow, which was shown on the Alan Jones TV programme on December 30th,  2009 had people scratching their heads in perplexed astonishment.  What Dr Laibow spoke of was unbelievable: a plan to impose compulsory medical procedures, world-wide, as part of a planned genocide programme.  The interview was held in the hangar at a small airport somewhere in the USA.  Dr Laibow had flown into the airport in a small plane and she left in that same plane immediately following the interview.  She said it was too dangerous to stay longer.

Dr Laibow explained that in 1974 she saw documentation suggesting that a substance was to be used in the medical procedures that would stimulate an immune response that would attack all parts of the body causing pain and consequent immobility.  The information she discovered was that those who survived the medical procedures would become infertile. 

Dr Laibow had a pharmaceutical-free medical practice in 2003.  One of her patients was a well-known, female political figure who told Dr Laibow that the “great culling of useless eaters” had begun. The decision for this to happen was made by a council of 7 men who had no political or other affiliation and were acting according to their own rules.  Their power and influence was such that they controlled nations, organisations such as the Council on Foreign Relations and the Bilderberg Group.  Their aim was reduce the world population by 90%.

In 2020 this plan was put into action but in the years prior to 2020 it had been referred to by many and obviously planned for a long time.

The  late Prince Phillip is recorded saying “Human population growth is probably the single most serious long-term threat to survival.”

Toni Fauci predicted the Covid 19 pandemic in a speech he made in 2017 at Georgetown University.

Bill Gates, in a MSNBC interview predicted a “highly infectious virus”  that would affect people world-wide.  A Bill Gates funded symposium, the purpose for which was to clarify the information channels and messages that would accompany such an event, was held only months before the Covid 19 p(l)andemic was launched.

The source of the p(l)andemic was a virus called Covid-19.  Death from this virus occurred only in those with co-morbidities who were likely to die in the near future with or without the virus.  The real problem was the vaccination programme that was planned to be rolled out to combat the virus.

As a consequence of the barrage of media information, most people believe that Covid 19 was to be greatly feared and the death rate from it was huge.  Most also believe that the strategies put in place to control the virus were for their benefit and that the only real solution was going to be universal vaccinations.

I choose not to believe any of these things, for the following reasons:

    1. The Covid 19 p(l)pandemic was planned as the “final solution” strategy that had been foretold over many decades: the strategy to reduce the world’s population dramatically. 
    2. The Covid -19 virus has never been isolated.
    3. The number of people suffering from influenza plummeted to levels unseen for 130 years: Covid-19 is simply another name for influenza and death rates are similar.
    4. Hospitals and doctors were incentivised to attribute all deaths to Covid-19.  This was intentional.  It created fear.  Hospitals in the USA received $13,000 when patients died from Covid-19 and $37,000 when patients were intubated for breathing problems.  This procedure more often than not led to death.
    5. Evidence of preparation for this “unforeseen” p(l)andemic existed in forms of the manufacture and sale of millions of Covid-19 testing kits that were shipped around the world in the year prior to the existence of Covid-19.
    6. The testing procedure has been shown to be inaccurate. Tanzanian President, John Magafuli demonstrated this by sending papaya juice for testing and having it returned with a positive result.  John Magafuli died in 2021 under suspicious circumstances.
    7. Patents for Covid-19 testing kits were taken out prior to the outbreak leading to the conclusion that the outbreak was designed as a bio-weapon.  Official patent registration in the Netherlands and the US show that the Rothschilds patented Covid-19 tests in 2015.
    8. Legal measures were put in place to prevent people receiving tried and tested remedies that were demonstrably safe and effective. Hydrochloroquin was banned from sale. Doctors who advocated a treatment regime different from the “official” treatment were silenced, had their medical licence removed and were removed from their positions as physicians in hospitals and public clinics.
    9. Measures which demonstrably reduce peoples’ natural immunity were enforced with threats of huge fines.  These measures include mask wearing, social distancing, inability to go outside because of lock down laws.
    10. Public information in relation to natural immunity, independent medical science about viruses, exosomes and how to build natural immunity were censored and replaced by endless mainstream media announcements designed to create fear.
    11. Extreme and unconstitutional laws were put in place to take away peoples’ rights including. As an example, the English Coronavirus Bill (HC Bill 122) enacted without scrutiny and debate, includes:

                   a)        Forced detention and isolation of anyone, including children, and for any amount                                of time.                                                                                                                                                         b)        No inquest into suspicious deaths,                                                                                                       c)        Lock down measures that can be used to prevent mass protests,                                                 d)        No requirement for any medical certification for burials or cremations.                                         e)         Removal of legal rights in detention centres.                                                                                      f)         Anyone critical of government policy was guilty of a summary public order                                           offence, and liable to be fined and imprisoned without trial.

None of the measures put in place made logical sense.  Doctors were instructed not to treat patients until they were seriously ill and had to be admitted to hospital. 

Doctors who followed different procedures and had 100% success rate in treating the virus were ignored, ridiculed and silenced.  These doctors used such things as vitamin D, zinc, magnesium, MMS and quinine in the form of hydroxychloroquin and their patients got better.  This information was not available to the general public and was removed from social media platforms.

Covid-19 had a low mortality rate but Covid-19 has never been the problem.  The problem is the official solution:  medical procedures that doctors including Andrew Kaufman, Dolores Cannon, Hilde de Smet, Dr Vernon Coleman, Dr Judy Mikovits and Dr Rachid Butter claim will affect the body’s auto-immune responses and will kill millions slowly over the space of a few years.  This is the “final solution” that Dr Rima Laibow spoke of in 2008.  This is the “final solution” that CNN presenters advocate and advise: “Don’t be alarmed if the frail  and elderly start dying after they get these procedures.”  

                                                                                                                                                                           April, 2021

© Copyright Beverley Buckley