Who am I receiving information from?

We are the Creators.

Much is happening.  The time is near when huge changes will occur.  There is a vast coming together of events that will cause an explosion of information available to all.  Some will ignore it but most have the ability to absorb it and understand that what they have experienced over recent years has been a hoax: a huge hoax perpetrated on the people of Earth in order to bring them into submission by those who control the energy grid of Earth: a combination of people both on and off the Earth's plane, working to fulfil a long-standing plan to hijack Earth for their own benefit.

The strategy unfolding is to create chaos of such magnitude that all of Earth's people will be overtaken by fear: fear for their survival.  But the plan will not unfold as predicted.  Those who are working to create harmony will not allow this to occur. 

This is what will happen.

There will be chaos but it will be minimal.  There will be death and destruction.  That is inevitable.

But from the ashes new structures will grow.  New thinking is replacing the old dominance by greed and envy.  This is occurring even now but the progress is slow and not yet being noticed because it is occurring in separate locations and slowly.

What more do I need to know/understand?

The progress is slow but it is steady.  People everywhere are waking up to the reality of what is occurring.  Be patient.  The energy frequency is rising quickly. Those who operate at the lower frequencies will pass quickly into illness or mental anguish.  Those who remain will change their behaviours and attitudes in preparation for the rebuilding that will occur.  Everything is now being revealed for those who have eyes to see.  Expect transformations in the way people respond to one another.  Immorality is no longer tolerated.  People are calling attention to those who are self-serving and callous in their attitudes to others.

There is a huge movement of people from the cities to more amenable environments.  Cultivate food.  Bring back the flowers.  Create an environment of peace and tranquility.  Living in harmony with the natural world.  Fish are migrating to the cleaner parts of the oceans.  They need to rebuild number.s  Birds are confused.  The energy patterns have ben disrupted and different birds will soon arrive.  Animals are aware of the changes.

Everything is as it needs to be.  Many will leave.  That is their choice.  Immersion within fear and anger has meant they have lost the ability for rational thought.


© Copyright Beverley Buckley