December 3rd, 2020

Who is here with me?

We are the Creators. 

There is a shift coming that is going to be massive in terms of its effect on peoples' understanding and their ability to know things that have, up until now, been hidden.

There is certainly going to be a huge impact on those who have not yet awoken.  They will not know, literally, what has just hit them.  Their world will be turned upside down and the confusion will be beyond imagining.  Those who understand, see, or know will not be impacted to the same extent and they will have the job of maintaining the calm so that others can process the changes within and without.  

So that nothing is left of the dark that has existed before the shift, some will leave.  Some will shift and some will choose to remove themselves because their guilt is too big for them to carry.  Guilt and shame will be huge and justifiably so, for there is much to feel guilt and shame about.   But that has been the tool of learning.  Without recognising the guilt and shame you would not be able to take responsibility for the part you have played in the wrongdoing.  Guilt and shame is the evidence needed to know that some behaviours are totally inappropriate.

It is a if there will be an enormous wave of energy sweep over the world removing all that has caused us to feel inadequate.

Is there something more I need to know?

This is enough. Absorb the essence of this message because it will give you the strength to do what will be needed in the coming days and weeks.  There is going to be chaos but the chaos will not be of the external variety.  It will be chaos that comes from inside, from the re-evaluating of all that has been accepted up until now, without question.  Now you will see from a totally different perspective and from that change of perspective will come acceptance and peace.  This is all.

We are the Creators and this will come to pass in the near future.


This message was received a couple of weeks before the activation of Uluru on the 21st December, 2020.  The Uluru activation has been foretold by Australian aborigines for a long time and they have plans to be at Uluru on this occasion. Information has been received that for the activation to occur, many thousands of people will have to be at a particular level of energy frequency.  The energy that will be released at Uluru will travel outwards to encompass the whole world over a period of time. 

Astrologists have been aware that this is a very special time in which planetary alignments is particularly significant. It is also the day of the summer solstice in the southern hemisphere.

The following information about the Uluru activation was accessed by Kerry MT Sweet on the same day as the information above and helps explain the reason the Uluru activation  is regarded as important.

We are the Creators that work within the earth as opposed to the Ascended Masters.  We have always been part of the consciousness of the internal Earth.  We have been witness to all the abuse and we are about to throw it out.  We are going to send the low frequency energy back to those who created it. This energy will be distributed through the ley lines.  Earth’s grid will be able to hold the energy and clear it because of the work that has been done leading up to this time to clear the ley lines.

Energy is building around Uluru which is the base chakra of Earth.  What is going to happen on the 21st December is the start of a purification of the planet.  An energetic cleansing.  This will create vulnerability on this plane.  It is necessary to cleanse the interior of the planet: as without, so within.  All the sacrifice, the satanic toxicity has to be internally cleansed from Earth. 

Ritualistic abuse was designed to keep earth at a low vibrational frequency but what is now happening is a reset and a purification.  This will cause some earth movement but not immediately.

All the work that has been done up to this time has been to prepare for the purification of the internal earth.  On its release it will move into the grid, the people, earth and as it does this it will be dissipated.  Everything that has needed to be cleared to enable this to happen, has been done.  Preparation is complete.

The release will start with the grid lines.  Then it will go deeper down into the core of the Earth.  There will be a reset.

As  Creators we have have never wanted to annihilate the people.  It is not our role to destroy and we have had to find a way to clear the low frequency energy of the planet without doing harm.

With regard to what is happening on Earth on the 21st:

Those that can see will see. Those that can hear, will hear. Those that can feel, will feel. Those who know, will know.

What will happen on Earth as a consequence of this release of low frequency energy will be similar to what the body feels like when it releases stuck energy.  When that happens there is body pain, mental anguish for a period but the body and mind quickly return to normal.  The same thing will happen for Earth.  We will take the pressure off but we don’t have to destroy.  As the energy is released things might become quite intense.  You could be looking at people experiencing a mental crisis accompanied by exhaustion and fatigue felt by those who are not yet healed.  The  exhaustion will be the result  resisting the release of what is hidden.  Where people are not being their authentic selves because they’re not seeing clearly, they will feel exhausted.

You have sought help from the Ascended Masters but help will not come from outside.  It will come from within Earth - from inside.