In 1995 a little book was published by the self-publisher Lulu.  Written by investigative journalist Serge Monast, it was called “The Toronto Protocol: the real plan of the global elite.  It was described as: “the plan of an elite group who are manipulating the general public and governments across the world touring about the long term goal of a world government. (

Shortly after the book’s publication Serge Monast died unexpectedly of a heart attack.  Soon after that, his informant, who must have taken notes at the meeting during which the Toronto Protocol was drafted, also died.

Twenty five years after the publication of this little book, it is devastating to look at its contents in light of what has happened in the intervening period. If you have any doubts that what is happening on Earth at this time is the result of a well thought out and comprehensive plan that has been effectively implemented since 1967 when the meeting took place in Toronto the contents of Serge Monast’s little book will dispel them.

Available information suggests that the trends that have been experienced on Earth since 1967 have been deliberately fostered by a group representing the six largest banks in the world, the six largest international consortiums and the six largest food and drug conglomerates.   In 1967 and again in 1985 the group met to formulate a strategy for implementing a plan to capture “Global Power” and establish a NEW W0RLD 0RDER involving a one world government.  The plan they formulated was outlined in “The T0r0nto Pr0t0c0l”


Their established goals were to:

(i) Liberate morals by establishing a society in which sex, drugs, sport, travel and exoticism and leisure were accessible to all and actively promoted.

(ii) Create Economic Crises

(iii) Wage Wars

(iv) Transfer the parental role to the State.

Strategies to achieve these objectives included:

(i) Infiltrate the Media

(ii) Impose “exceptions” for different groups to ensure social protest and confusion.

(iii) Encourage non-conformist philosophers and writers who promote aspects that are fundamental to New World Order thinking.

(iv) Level social classes and remove  “family” including ancestral religious teachings and parental authority by subjecting parents to a "Collective Psychosis of Fear".

(v) “Purchase  journalists and politicians.

(vi) Develop of new organisations that appear to be “modern” such as offices of child protection, staffed by young intellectuals without experience who will comply without judgement with :The Charter of the Rights of the Child.”  The purpose is made clear with the statement:  “Understand this well: "Our goal is not to protect children, or anyone from another, but to cause the collapse and subsequent fall of Nations which are a major obstacle to the implementation of our "New World Order”.

The document goes on to explain further:  “ That is why the "Office of Child Protection" must be invested with absolute legal authority. They must be able, as they see fit, but always under the pretext of protecting the child, to remove them from their original home environments and place them in family backgrounds or foreign government centres that have been established for our internationalist principles and religions. Therefore, it will complete the final breaking of the "Western Family Unit". For without the protection and monitoring of their original parents, these children will be permanently handicapped in their psychological and moral development, and consequently represent natural prey, easily adaptable to our global aspirations.

Further: “We must infiltrate the "Education System" of the Nations in order to make disappear under the cover of "Modernity" and "Evolution", the teaching of Religion, History and Good Manners while diluting at the same time, under an avalanche of new experiments in the milieu of the Education, that of the language and mathematics.

In this way, by removing from the younger generations, any basis and any moral boundary, all knowledge of the past (and therefore any national pride), so all respect for others, all the power and knowledge of the language of science (and thus reality), we will help build a youth largely disposed to all forms of crime. In this new universe fragmented by the fear of parents, and their abandonment of all responsibility regarding their children, we will have a clear path to form in our own way and according to our primary objectives, a youth where arrogance, contempt, humiliation of others will be considered as a new basis of "Affirmation of Self" and “Freedom".

To complete the breakdown of the family, the education system, thus the society in general, it is essential to encourage the "Sexual Freedom" at all levels of the Western Society. It is necessary to reduce the individual, therefore the masses, to the obsession of satisfying their primal instincts by all possible means. We know that this step represents the culmination by which any society will eventually collapse on itself.

By men of Science and the laboratories funded by our Lodges, we have managed to develop a chemical process that will revolutionise all the Western Societies, and relegate to oblivion forever, moral principles and religious Judeo-Christians. This process, in pill form, will open the way wide to the "Sexual Freedom" without consequences, and push the "Women" of the Nations to want to break with what will then be perceived as the yoke of the past (the slavery of women subjected to men and the traditional Judeo-Christian family).

Formerly "Centre and pivot of the family unit”, the modern woman, now as an independent individual, wants to break with its traditional role, break away from the family and lead her life according to their own personal aspirations. Nothing more natural, we know, but where we will intervene strongly, it will be to infiltrate all the new "Feminine Protest movements" by pushing their logic to its extreme limits of consequence. And these limits can be found already registered in the definitive breakdown of the traditional family and Judeo-Christian Society.

This "Sexual liberation" will be the ultimate means by which it will be possible to us to remove the "Popular Consciousness" any reference to the "Good and to the Evil". The collapse of this religious and moral barrier will permit us to finish the process of the false "Liberation of Man's Past", but which in reality is a form of slavery that will be profitable to our "Globalists Plans”.

This open door for the encouragement of "sexual freedom" to the "Divorce" to "abortion" on demand to the legal recognition of diverse forms of homosexuality will help us to radically change the historical basis of the "Legal Right" of the Societies. It be a major asset to push for all of the individuals in a general relaxation of the morals, to divide the individuals as compared against each other, according to their instincts and their own interests, to destroy the future of the youth by pushing the adverse experiences of early sexuality and and the Abortions, and to break morally the future generations by pushing them to alcoholism, different drugs (which our Senior International Lodge Officers will take charge of taking the control at the world level), and in the suicide (that it be considered by a youth disillusioned and abandoned to themselves, as being the chivalrous end).

Let us deceive the youth of the Nations by showing him to their parents as being irresponsible, atheistic, immoral; searching, after all, only for the pleasure, for the escape and for the wild satisfaction of their instincts at the price of the lie, the hypocrisy and the treason. Let us make of the divorce and the abortion a new social custom accepted by all. Thus encouraging him to the criminality under all the forms, and to take refuge in different groups, out of reach of the family environment that it will perceive, inevitably, as being a threat for its own survival. The social fabric being so upset for ever, it will be possible to us from then onto act on Politics and the Economic of Nations to subject them in our thank you; to come there to accept of strength, our Plans of a New World Order.

Nations, deprived that they will be then to be able to count on a strong youth, on a Society where the individuals, grouped around a common ideal, strengthened by indestructible moral ramparts, would have been able to provide its historical support, can only than abdicate to our global will.

It is well recognised by all that the Man, once after having assured their basic needs (food, clothing and shelter), is much more inclined to be less vigilant. Let us allow him to lull his conscience while orienting to our way his mind, creating in himself pure piece of favourable economic conditions. Therefore during this period of 70 years where our agents will infiltrate all over the different spheres of the Society to accept our new standards in Education, Legal Law, Social Policy and we will make sure to spread him around an economic climate of confidence. 

Labour for all, the opening of Credit for all; Leisure for all will be our bogie for the illusory creation of a new social class: the "Middle Class". Because once our objectives reached, the "Class" in the middle, between the secular poor, and we the rich, we will definitely remove by cutting off all means of survival.

This way, we shall make Nation states, the new "Parents"of the individuals. Through this reliable climate where our "International Agents" will have done what's necessary to to push aside any spectre of world war, we shall encourage the excessive "Centralisation" for the State. In this way, the individuals can acquire the impression of a total freedom to explore while the legendary burden of personal liabilities will be transferred to the State.

Thus it will be possible to sharply increase the burden of the State by multiplying without any limit , a body of intellectual public servants. Insured for years in advance of material security, they will be consequently perfect as executors of "Governmental Authority", in other words, of our “Power".

Thus creating an impressive body of officials who in itself will form (a Government within the Government), irrespective of the political party that is in power. This anonymous machine can serve us one day means of leverages when the moment comes to accelerate the economic collapse of the Nation States, because these will not be able indefinitely sustain such mass salaries without having going into debt beyond their means.

On the other hand this same machine will give an image cold and uncaring of the government apparatus, and how this complex machine useless in many of its functions, will serve as a cover and protection against the populations. For who would dare to venture through the mazes of such a labyrinth in order to assert his personal grievances?

Always during this period of general intoxication, we shall also take advantage of it to buy or eliminate, according to the necessities of the moment, all the company directors, the persons in charge of the major Bodies of State, Centres of Scientific research among which the action and the efficiency would risk to give too much owe to the Nation states. The State should not absolutely become an independent strength in itself which would risk to escape us, and to put in danger our ancestral “Plans".

We shall also watch to have an absolute control on all the supranational structures of the Nations. These international Bodies must be placed under our absolute jurisdiction.

In the same sense, and to guarantee the profitability of our influence with the populations, we shall have to control all the News media. Our Banks will thus see to finance only those who are favourable to us whereas they will oversee the closure of the more recalcitrant. It should go almost unnoticed in principle in the populations, whom they will be absorbed by their need to make more money, and to entertain themselves.

We shall have to take care with finalising, from now on, the phase of de-regionalisation of the rural regions begun at the beginning of the "Economic crisis" of 1929. Overcrowding the cities was our bedfellow of the "Industrial revolution". The rural owners, by their economic independence, their capacity to produce the basis of the food supply of the States, is a threat for us, and our future Plans. Piled up in cities, they will be more dependent on our industries to survive.

We cannot allow ourselves the existence of groups independent from our "Power". Thus let us eliminate the landowners by making of them obedient slaves of the Industries being under our control. As for others, let us allow them to get organised in Agricultural Cooperatives that our Agents will infiltrate to direct them better according to our future priorities.

Through the State, let us attempt to highlight well the compulsory "Respect" for the diversity of the "Cultures", of the "Peoples", of the "Religions", of the "Ethnic groups" which are all ways, for us, to convey the "Personal freedom" before the notion of "National Unity";which will allow us to divide better the populations of Nation Sates, and so to weaken them in their authority, and in their capacity to manoeuvre. Pushed to these extreme limits but on the international plan, this concept, in the future, will urge the ethnic groups of the various Nations to group together to claim, individually, each their own part of "Power"; that will finish ruining Nations, and will make them burst in endless wars.

When Nation states will so be weakened by so much infighting, quite established on the recognition of the "rights of Minorities" in their Independence; that the nationalists divided into various cultural and religious factions will oppose blindly in fights without outcome; that the youth will have totally lost contact with its roots; then we can use the United Nations to begin to impose our New World Order.

Moreover, at that point, the "Humanitarian, Social and Historical Ideals" of the Nation States will have long since burst under pressure from the internal divisions.

End of Document 6.6.6. dated end June 1967.

© Copyright Beverley Buckley