Bev and Mary talk about the cause and effects of stress in an interview on Huon fm 93.5 on 29th September, 2020 Bev explains that stress works to shut down brain function with the intention of reducing the amount of information that we can take in. This has the side effect of reducing out ability to perceive, learn and retain information. The purpose of shut down is to preserve life because high levels of stress over a long period of time are very damaging to our emotional and physical wellbeing. The side effect is to produce difficulties that make us less competent than we might be otherwise. We create stress when we decide that we are inadequate in some way or that others are at fault because they make us feel inadequate. We judge ourselves and others and give ourselves labels that are limiting in nature.: "I am stupid". Having given ourselves instructions to be a certain way, we file this information in our subconscious minds. Then we then decide we don't like how we have chosen to be, so we work work hard to overcome the deficiencies we have chosen for ourselves. Our conscious mind is in constant battle with the programmes we have installed in our sub-conscious mind and we wonder why we feel stressed. Through the power of the law of Attraction, we then attract to ourselves all the things that we don't want to experience: those things that give us what we have chosen to have but don't want. This process attracts to us those things we need to experience so that eventually, we understand that we are not the label we have given ourselves. When we work hard to overcome life's difficulties we develop skills and understandings that allow us to realise that we are not stupid, and when we reach this point, we realise that we can get rid of the labels we gave ourselves when we were children.
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