The Climate Change Agenda
To understand the climate change agenda, it is important to know something about the history of the movement that has caused it. What is little understood is the link between climate change and the agenda of the New World Order for centralised control of the world. In the late 1960's into the 1970's the Club Of Rome was formed and in 1972 a group of scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, under the UN's direction, published ' Limits to Growth', which called for greatly reduced human population. This group’s stated aim was to save the environment.
Directly linked to the environmental issues, was another, unspecified agenda: the institution of a global government that could enforce population controls on a wide scale. The elites identified climate science as a legitimate basis for their population control objective.
In the early 1990's the Club Of Rome published a book called 'The First Global Revolution'. In it they state: "In searching for a common enemy against whom we can unite, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like, would fit the bill. In their totality and their interactions, these phenomena do constitute a common threat which must be confronted by everyone together. But in designating these dangers as the enemy, we fall into the trap, which we have already warned readers about, namely mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention in natural processes. and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy then is humanity itself."
This statement comes from Chapter 5 - The Vacuum, which covers their position on the need for global government. Their methodology becomes explicit when you read the following: ‘a common enemy must be conjured in order to trick humanity into uniting under a single banner. Environmental catastrophe, caused by mankind itself, is the best possible motivator of fear and provides the perfect rationale for population control’. The Club of Rome and the UN agenda are intimately connected. A paper titled 'Proper Earth Government: A Framework And Ways To Create It' published by UN assistant secretary general Robert Muller in the 1990’s outlined how climate change could be used to convince the masses of the need for global government and population controls.(
The UN established the Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change (IPCC) which initiated the UN's Agenda 2030. Agenda 2030 calls for a radical shift of human production from oil and other large scale energy sources into small scale ‘renewable energies’. Doing this by 2030 would require a large population decrease in order to survive substantially decreased energy output from renewables.
Without the fear generated by substantial crises that could be attributed to climate change or some other fear-generating agenda, most people would never go along with the UN's agenda of centralised control. In 2019, the public was being conditioned to accept the idea that man-made climate change is real and population is the source of the problem. Unfortunately, climate scientists have been caught red handed manipulating their own data to show the intended outcome of global warming. They have even been caught adjusting their own data from 20 years ago in order to match it more closely to the rigged data they publish today and are now being challenged in the courts. Even more significantly, the time available to convince the world’s population that global warming and climate change is something to be feared is coming to an end because Earth’s climate is not co-operating with climate change scientists. UK data shows that the past decade has been cooler than the preceding one. Sea levels refuse to rise as predicted. In December 2019 sea ice grew by an average of 82,100 square kilometres per day. This is faster than the 1981 to 2010 average gain of 64,100 square kilometres and is the third fastest December ice growth rate in satellite records. (
New data is coming from NASA’s instruments on board the space agency’s TIMED (Thermosphere Ionosphere Mesosphere Energetics and Dynamic satellite) which, according to NASA’s Langley Research Centre shows that ‘if current trends continue, it could soon set up a Space Age record for cold. NASA’s findings are in line with findings released by UC San Diego and Northumbria University in Great Britain in 2019 predicting a Grand Solar Minimum in coming decades due to low sunspot activity. (The Millennium
The widespread promotion of population control measures such as abortion suggests that the globalists believe that they are close to total control and do not care anymore who knows their plans. Strangely, there has been little mention of the fact that the world population, in the west most of all, is actually in decline. Far from exploding beyond the Earth's capacity, in many countries people are barely having enough children to keep the current population stable.
It is possible to get so caught up in negative information that one forgets to look at the positive aspects of any situation and there are many positive aspects of the climate change agenda. The first is that the conditions that allowed this programme to be instigated in the first place are coming to an end. Earth has ceased to co-operate and is showing that whilst global warming has certainly taken place, temperatures are not going to continue rising, regardless of how much additional CO2 is put into the atmosphere.
When the facts demonstrate conclusively that nature is not co-operating, people are going to wake up to the idea that they have been manipulated into believing something that is blatantly untrue. They are going to be very angry that they have allowed themselves to be gullible and easily led. The lie is not that there has been global warming. The lie is that one factor, man-made CO2, has been the most important contributing factor. Understanding will lead to a world-wide awakening. When temperatures decrease while CO2 emissions continue to rise, the nexus that has been established between the two will be broken and the fraud will become obvious.
Believing a lie, people have placed all their attention on solving a non-existent problem which has no practical solution other than reduction in living standards and population numbers, rather than focusing on solving the real problems of the world: plastics pollution, soil degradation, poisoning by agricultural pesticides, deforestation, desertification. These are some of the problems that we should be addressing. These are the problems mankind has created by his own ignorance, greed, apathy and selfishness. When this realisation finally hits home, many are going to understand that these problems have escalated to a level which is truly dangerous. These are the problems that are the real threat to mankind’s wellbeing and solving them is where we should be focusing our attention rather than on curbing CO2 emissions as we are now being asked to do.
Perhaps in realising the scale of humanity’s destruction of Earth’s natural systems mankind will be humbled sufficiently to take responsibility for the damage that has been created. Initially, the bogeyman was global warming but, the message from global warming wasn’t sufficiently terrifying and not sufficiently imminent to affect peoples’ thinking, so climate change scenarios were manipulated to encompass a whole variety of uncertainties and devastating events: drought, flood, severe ice and snow events, fire, sea-level rise, hurricanes, tornadoes and typhoons as well as extreme temperatures. Global warming morphed into climate change over-night. Is climate change real? The answer is yes. Earth’s climate has changed constantly, forever. Most devastating have been the periods of intense cold, when vast areas of the world were covered in ice sheets sometimes 2 kilometres deep. There have been periods when Earth has been warmer than it is now. This is when vast resources of organic material from huge forests were deposited. This is the origin of the coal and oil we are now harvesting. But climate change has never really been thought of as "the problem" even by those who promoted it as such. The problem has been overpopulation and what was needed was a rationale that could be used to restrict population growth. Climate change fitted the bill.
The targets of population reduction were based on ethnic background, but also "mental intelligence" and economic status. The Carnegie Institute even established a "Eugenics Records Office" called Cold Springs Harbour Laboratory in 1904. This Institute collected genetic data on millions of Americans and their families with the intent of controlling their numbers and erasing certain traits from the US population. Public knowledge of the globalists and their population control agenda was carefully swept under the rug in the US after the exposure of Nazi programs post-WWII. The word "eugenics" became a very ugly one and all the effort the elites put into promoting it as a legitimate science was ruined.
However, in the late 1960's there was a resurgence of population control rhetoric. A prominent part of the Club of Rome's agenda was population reduction. In 1972 the group of "scientists" under the UN's direction published a paper called 'The Limits Of Growth' which called for greatly reduced human population in the name of "saving the environment". This effort was directly linked to another agenda - the institution of a global government that could handle and enforce population controls on a wide scale. The elites had found a new scientific front for their eugenics obsession: climate science. In the early 1990's the Club Of Rome published a book called 'The First Global Revolution'. In it they state: "In searching for a common enemy against whom we can unite, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like, would fit the bill. In their totality and their interactions these phenomena do constitute a common threat which must be confronted by everyone together. But in designating these dangers as the enemy, we fall into the trap, which we have already warned readers about, namely mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention in natural processes. and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy then is humanity itself."
This statement comes from Chapter 5 - The Vacuum, which covers their position on the need for global government. The quote is relatively clear; a common enemy must be conjured in order to trick humanity into uniting under a single banner, and the elites see environmental catastrophe, caused by mankind itself, as the best possible motivator. It also outlines the perfect rationale for population control: mankind is the enemy, therefore, his proliferation must be restricted. The Club of Rome and the UN agenda have always been intimately connected.
In the 1990's at the same time 'The First Global Revolution' was published, UN assistant secretary general Robert Muller was publishing his manifesto which is now collected on a website called 'Good Morning World'. Muller argues that global governance must be achieved using the idea of "protecting the Earth" and environmentalism as the key component. He believed that through fear of an environmental apocalypse, the public could be convinced to accept global government to keep society from destroying itself. In a paper titled 'Proper Earth Government: A Framework And Ways To Create It' Robert Muller outlines how climate change could be used to convince the masses of the need for global government. Integral to his plan were the introduction of a new "global religion", and population controls.
The UN established the Inter-governmental Panel On Climate Change (IPCC) and this panel and its offshoots are now at the forefront of the argument for population reduction. As we get closer to end date for the UN's Agenda 2030, which calls for a radical shift of human production from oil and other large scale energy sources into small scale "renewable energies", there are only 10 years left for the globalists to achieve their goals: goals that require a dramatic change in industrialised human society.
Without aggressive crisis and change most people would never go along with the UN's agenda, out of simple desire for self preservation. The fact that globalists are about to pull the plug on the current system has been made obvious by the blatant events of 2020. For them, time is running out. Threat of global warming has lost its power to convince people of the need for dramatic change. Something more was needed and shutting down world economies because of a virus that has been less deadly than influenza filled the bill. The primary goal of the Covid 19 pandemic was de-population but it failed. The secondary goal, economic meltdown is having greater impact: exacerbating the current trend in world population decrease, especially in industrialised countries. Obviously, New World Order elitists must believe that they can no longer use of global warming as a threat to control world populations because the evidence, as shown in the graph below, is that there has been no increase in temperatures over the period from 1997 to 2013 - a period when CO2 levels have increased. If they have realised that the global warming threat to human civilisation is no longer useful as a tool of control, surely it is time for everyone to see the truth: global warming is not a problem. It is not a believable threat that can be used to force people to reduce their standard of living in order to restrict CO2 output and investigation of the real scientific evidence available demonstrates this conclusively.