Deaths attributed to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) fell sharply in New York at the start of the Covid outbreak.  One possible explanation for this was that mothers of young babies were unable to take their babies in for vaccinations. 


I walked into the local library this morning and was greeted with a new display of Covid-19 material and an invitation to provide my name and contact details which will be needed in the even of a resurgence of the Covid-19 outbreak. I declined the offer and as I did, I wondered wether the Tasmanian government was promoting fear of another Covid-19 outbreak in preparation for the rollout of vaccines.

Tasmania has, I believe, had a total of 10 deaths that have been attributed to Covid-19.   Most, if not all of these occurred in residential care facilities for the elderly in the north of Tasmania. In consequence Tasmania has been virtually shut off from the rest of the world for many months which has made life tough for those who rely on tourism as their main source of income. Even though small businesses have suffered, the Coronavirus pandemic has had minimal effect on the lives of most Tasmanians.  We have been extremely fortunate.

Tasmanians have long since slipped back into normal living except for the few, somewhat absurd,  regulations that are enforced. Not being able to drink alcohol standing up when attending a get-together in a public space  is one such rule.  I didn’t mind conforming to this one.  I far prefer to sit when I have a glass of wine.  Even so, I did wonder at the cleverness of the virus that it is able to detect when people drink alcohol standing up and when they drink sitting down.  The only mask I have seen during the entire Covid-19 saga was worn by an extremely ancient lady.  I felt sorry for her.  She would have found it difficult enough to do her weekly shopping without a mask, but wearing it would have made it even worse for her.   So hard to breathe.

Of course I’m not allowed to voice my opinion about the virus or even to suggest that it might not be as serious as everyone believes.  Pandemics suggest that people are dying in huge  numbers but the statistics relating to world deaths in 2020 don’t show this.  In fact, fewer people have died in 2020 from all causes, than have died in the preceding five years.  How can that be when so many have dies from Covid-19?  Of course, very few people are dying of old age any more.  That’s a blessing.  And influenza and pneumonia seem to have been totally eradicated.  Another blessing.

One of the other benefits of the Covid-19 outbreak is that in New York, the death rate of babies and young children dying of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) dropped to less than half the normal weekly death rate and if that is true for New York, it is probably true all around the world.  I read an article saying how difficult it has been for mothers to take their young babies to be vaccinated in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations in view of the lockdown.  I wondered if there was some relationship between the dramatic drop in SIDS deaths and the delay in vaccinations but that is probably just me wearing my conspiracy theorist hat.  How could there ever be a connection between vaccinations and SIDS?  But it is definitely something worth considering.

What has concerned me far more than the danger presented by a virus, has been the danger of media censorship that has been associated with the virus.  Total censorship happens within a dictatorship or under communism.  In any society censorship is dangerous when only one point of view is allowed.  The input by highly trained doctors and scientists who question the validity of the responses to the virus have been ignored, deliberately deleted from social media sites, treated as “fake news” and doctors and scientists who have dared speak out have been threatened, have lost their jobs, been de-registered. Many are too terrified to speak out.  The message those who have dared to say what they think has been ignored by mainstream media and government agencies.  But they are fighting.  Some large doctors groups are mounting legal challenges.

So… because their views aren’t generally available here is what some of them think, and say and what has happened to some of them because of what they think and say:

Great Barrington Report: 12,686 medical and health scientists and 38012 medical doctors produced a report which has been  ignored by media and authorities.

Simone Gold, MD spoke in favour of hydroxychloroquin and was fired.

Dr Thomas Binder was psychiatrically investigated and evaluated for speaking out about the pandemic, the lockdown, the need for masks and testing procedures.

Del Bigtree: Produced of “Vaxxed” which was not allowed to be shown in cinemas and is only available on a few websites.

Dr Andrew Wakefield was smeared and vilified for years.  Dr Wakefield believes that the side effects from Covid vaccinations will be attributed to the virus not to the vaccines themselves.  “Can’t have informed consent if people are not informed.”

“Ask the Experts”  A group of doctors each gave testimony and  U tube pulled it down.

Dr Heiko Schoning : compiled a report by 500 German doctors which concluded that PCR testing was not done honestly. He was arrested on his way to speak at a London protest.

Dr Elke de Klerk: Said vaccines are likely to cause sterility in women and girls and change the genetic blueprint.

Dr Reimer Feullmuch: He is bringing up legal challenges in Germany  Says that testing for vaccines skipped steps and this is against the law.  He contacted Pfizer and Bio N Tech to request data on trials and was told no data was available.  He is speaking out and trying to warn the public.

Dr. Hilde Desiner claims the animal trials for the vaccines were skipped.

Dr Anna Forbes: Believes the PCR test gives false positives.  Data is being misrepresented.

Sandy Lunoe (Pharmacist from Norway)  The vaccine is going to enhance the immune system and make the disease worse.

Dr Judy Mikovitz: Has written “Plague of corruption” to explain her point of view.  Says  pandemic is not real.

Dr John Ioannidis: Believes Covid - 19 is no worse than common flu.

The fear by doctors is that the vaccinations about to be administered will produce a  cytokine storm - a reaction far worse than the normal response to the virus itself because the vaccines enhance the immune system. This is what has happened when attempts have been made to produce vaccines for similar viruses.  Vaccines for coronavirus have a horrible record.  Vaccinated people suffer worse symptoms than those who are not vaccinated.

Thirty-five coronavirus vaccines were developed between 2002 and 2012.  Four looked promising.  Animal tests used ferrets.  Initially the ferrets responded well.  When they were exposed to a wild virus. They had an enhanced immune response and most died.  This study replicated an earlier trial when a similar response was experienced by 35 children who were exposed to a wild virus after being vaccinated. 

In an effort to stop him speaking on this problem, Dr James Lyons-Weller  was offered a large bribe to change his testimony in favour the the pharmaceutical approach at the DA Medical Freedom Press Conference.

It seems apparent that we are walking into Stage 2 of the Coronavirus pandemic in preparation for the rollout of vaccines.  The virus itself is relatively harmless.  Time will tell whether the vaccines are similarly harmless.  Many highly qualified doctors are worried.  Perhaps we should also be worried by this development.


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