As an adult my life has been full of challenges and varied experiences: a stark contrast to my memories of childhood, which I remember as being intellectually and socially sterile. As an adult I became interested in investigating esoteric ideas and for a period I regularly attended what would best be described as New Age workshops and seminars. This meant that I was confronted by a variety of ideas that expanded what had been up to that time very limited thinking and I connected with people from backgrounds very different from my own. Lee was one of these people.
Lee was an American. When I met her she had just arrived from Alaska and had been in Australia for about 2 hours. I asked her what she planned to do and she replied that she had come to Australia to facilitate workshops that would help people identify their life purpose. She had no plans as to where she would stay and asked if I could suggest somewhere.
I was not in the habit of inviting strangers to live with my husband and I, but on this occasion, I did. That is how Lee’s first workshop came to be held in our house and why my husband and I became participants.
Lee’s workshop was about Purpose. It was not something I had thought much about. I believed that the things I did were of value to others but, until that time, I had not considered the notion that there was an overriding reason as to why I was here on earth. Lee thought differently. She believed that everyone had specific things to learn in each lifetime and that this was each person’s ‘life purpose’. Having this new knowledge or skill would equip them to contribute something of value to the world. She referred to this as a person’s ‘higher purpose’.
Lee planned to run a workshop the following weekend and, if I agreed, it would he held in our living room. She told me there would be 12 people attending. The workshop would last for about three hours and would consist of a talk about the participants’ purpose and higher purpose, and would be followed by two meditation sessions. After the meditation sessions those attending would know his or her purpose and higher purpose and would be able to write this down.
At 2 pm the following Saturday afternoon, there were 13 people, including Lee, my husband and myself sitting in our lounge room. Lee spoke for an hour or more, explaining her understanding of life purpose and higher purpose. She asked us all to close our eyes for a meditation and suggested that we ask to be given information relating to our life purpose. She told us that after the meditation we would have that information and at the completion of the first meditation we all wrote the information we had accessed about our life purpose and shared what we had written with everyone present.
I didn’t understand much of what I wrote. It alluded to unfamiliar ideas. Part of the message that I had received and written down told me that my purpose was “to remember the encoded knowledge”. I didn’t know what this was. The message that came to me was that I needed to be open to all information that was relevant to changes in the Earth’s vibrational shift, and to seek information available from the “highest source”. I wasn’t aware that a vibrational shift was happening on Earth, let alone who or what the “highest source” was. Logic aside, the message felt true. It spoke to me at a far deeper level than that of my rational understanding.
During the second meditation session Lee instructed everyone to access information relating to their higher purpose. Again everything happened as Lee said it would and, when instructed, everyone wrote down the information they had accessed.
Part of the information I received this time was that I would “help people remember and understand that they have the power to heal themselves using the Atlantean crystal healing knowledge so that they could be whatever they choose to be”. Additionally my purpose was to “communicate the truth to those who seek to know the truth, so that they can rejoice that everything is happening the way it is meant to happen”.
As with the information I had received about my life purpose, I had absolutely no idea what this was about. I knew nothing of Atlantis, let alone Atlantean crystal healing or what truths I needed to communicate. I didn’t know that anything special was happening or why people needed to be reassured that it was happening in the way it was meant to happen and I certainly had no better handle on “the truth” than those around me.
The manner in which I had received this information was surreal. I accepted it although I didn’t understand its significance. It simply felt true. I put my newfound knowledge aside and forgot about it; grateful because it helped me to understand why things had happened in the way they had in terms of my career path. I had always wondered why I could not rationally explain the variety of jobs I had chosen. For maximum financial reward, it would have been sensible to build on past successes, but I didn’t do that. Once I gained familiarity in a particular field, I embarked on something new and often quite different from anything I had done before. In doing this, I had to start each job as a novice, rather than building on what I already knew. Once I gained a level of proficiency, I changed direction. By doing this, I was always being challenged by something new and needed to develop different skills from those I already had.
~I often wondered whether my constant search for new challenges was in response to what I remembered as unrelieved boredom as a child. The highlight of the week was to go to the cinema on Saturday afternoons and watch Tarzan or Bing Crosby. This was before the days of television. Outings as a family were rare, with the exception of a week’s annual holiday in a hotel or boarding house somewhere a couple of hours’ drive from Sydney. As an adult I had no time to be bored as I combined being a wife and mother of three small children, with full-time work.
As a result of my choice of jobs I developed communication skills that I had totally lacked as a child because in my upbringing I was to be ‘seen and not heard’. After graduating from university, my first job was as an advertising copywriter. I developed communication skills by working in public relations in England where I toured the country speaking to journalists, radio presenters and television show hosts. I went on to work as a teacher, in sales, and as the promoter of an Australia-wide educational program. When I met Lee I was involved in developing a series of personal development training programs.
Following the life purpose workshop I completed the training programs that I was working on. The people who attended the courses loved them and I was asked to develop an additional program to train trainers in the techniques I had incorporated into the original suite of seven programs. After completing that, I took on the role as presenter of the Train the Trainer program every month.
As well as developing the adult training programs, I was also testing a learning-to-learn program that I had developed for teenagers who wished to improve their results at school. These were also very popular and I was getting great feedback from the teenagers who attended.
Years earlier, I had determined that I wanted to identify the cause of learning difficulties and help children who had problems. About a year after attending Lee’s workshop I awoke one morning with a sense of absolute knowing that it was now time to start this project. Although it seemed that I had put aside my life purpose statement, it had awoken something within me at the deepest level of consciousness and this needed to be translated into concrete action. This hadn’t happened immediately, because the projects I was working on formed part of the preparation that I needed to complete before I could even think about starting to investigate how to resolve children’s learning difficulties.
I decided that the best course of action was to put the education strategies and techniques that I had tested in my adult and teenager training programs into practice within a school environment. Only by doing this would I be able to find out whether these strategies could be used to help children with reading and learning problems. In order to do this I needed to find a school principal willing to try a different approach to this problem.
Accepting the challenge to identify the cause of reading and learning difficulties had consequences far beyond my initial expectation. It enabled me to access knowledge that, years later, I realised that I had worked with in many previous lifetimes. Somehow, by researching and applying a range of educational and healing technologies, I brought knowledge of the Atlantean crystal healing process to conscious awareness. I called it Stress Defusion. This wasn’t my original intention, which was simply to apply what I had already implemented successfully, within a more challenging environment. What developed was something very different.
Stress Defusion was not something that I learned from others, although experts in a variety of disciples had introduced me to ideas that I needed to understand in preparation before I could ‘remember’ the Stress Defusion process.
Several years prior to returning to a secondary school environment with the intention of helping children who had learning difficulties, I had written the description of my higher purpose. What I wrote included the idea that my higher purpose involved re-awakening in others the knowledge that they have the power to heal themselves. At the time of Lee’s workshop, Stress Defusion wasn’t even a faint light on the horizon, but it was to develop into a technique to empower people to heal themselves. It is a process involving teaching people how to access information that they already have available to them so they can understand how and why they have created problems in their lives. I am not a shamanic healer. I cannot heal anyone, but I can teach others how to heal themselves.
Everything in its Place tells the story of how the Stress Defusion process was developed and describes how people have changed their lives by working with the process. By reading stories of some of these people, you will identify with them and know that you too can heal. When you understand that this is possible, the means will be provided for you to do as these people have done: release emotional baggage, let go of judgments and change your life. You need to do this before you can work with your higher purpose.
As I was developing Stress Defusion I had the opportunity to follow and document the academic progress of many of the secondary school girls I worked with once they had overcome their reading and learning problems. In the years that followed, I worked with many other children and teenagers. I never advertised what I was doing but people came because they had heard others speak of their own experiences.
The majority of children were brought to see me by their parents because they were struggling academically. For most, this was because they had problems with reading or learning generally. Additionally, some suffered from chronic illness such as asthma. Many had problems associated with being accepted by their peers. Their parents were worried about them and were looking for help.
Adults came for a variety of reasons. A few, like the children, had literacy problems. Years after I first met her, I discovered that Lee was illiterate and needed to employ a professional reader. The fact that it took such a long time for her to share this secret indicates the stigma attached to the problem of illiteracy. Fortunately, once she was able to confide in me that she had this problem, it was quickly rectified. Many adults share this problem but are reluctant to acknowledge it.
Some adults I worked with had life histories involving extreme trauma. Others had a variety of problems associated with day-to-day living. I have included accounts of what happened during and after sessions with some of these clients. Many I only saw once or twice. A minority spent months working through their problems. Some were happy to share their experiences but in doing so, I have respected their privacy.
I now know that Stress Defusion is a healing modality and that I have worked with over many lifetimes. I used it in Atlantis, but it its origin goes beyond that. I actually came into this lifetime with the unconscious knowledge of how it works, but it took a lot of research and learning to bring that knowledge to conscious memory. Initially, research was done to find ways to help my son, who was brain damaged at birth. Later, as a consequence of interest in the process of learning I studied a variety of different strategies designed to enhance learning. I believe that this was necessary before I could access the “knowing” that had lain dormant. Later still, I searched for information that would help me understand how the changes I saw in people who worked with the Stress Defusion process could actually happen. Initially I found it difficult to believe what I was seeing and even more difficult to explain it: the changes that I witnessed were totally inexplicable in terms of accepted teaching practice or western medicine.
At Lee’s workshop, in response to my request for information relating to my higher purpose I wrote that I should seek knowledge from ‘the highest source’. Channeling is the term used for accessing information provided by tapping into what can be called ‘universal knowledge’. Many people do this and there are several quite well known books available, which explain the process in detail and provide accounts of information accessed in this way. One of the best known is Conversations with God written by Neale Donald Walsch which was on the New York Best Sellers List for 137 weeks.
I didn’t start receiving knowledge from the ‘highest source’ immediately after Lee’s workshop. I needed time to become a clear channel so that the information that I received would not be contaminated by my own negative programs. This was why the Stress Defusion process needed to be developed first. Stress Defusion helped me clear my own emotional blockages so that I could access information of high frequency. It took about five years to do this which was when I found myself waking at 3 am every morning. I felt a strong need get up and go upstairs to my study, pick up a pen and start writing. It was as if I was a stenographer and was taking dictation, but I was not aware of the words until they were actually on paper. No thought was involved. I just wrote with absolutely no idea what word would follow the word just written. I wrote as fast as I could. As I became accustomed to what was happening, I used my computer. At the beginning of each sentence I had no idea what ideas would be incorporated. The words and ideas flowed through me without conscious thought. After an hour or so I would return to my bed and sleep until morning.
I was always surprised that, the following day, I had absolutely no recollection of what I had written during the previous night. Some of the information didn’t make sense at the time, but now it does. Some of it was statement of fact that I could accept. Most of what I wrote seemed practical even though it dealt with ideas that I had never previously thought about. On occasions I was told to do something, or I was reassured about the things that were happening in my life at that time.
When I asked where the information was coming from, I was told that it came from the Elohim. When I received this information I didn’t know who or what the Elohim was. They told me that they are a group of higher beings whose role is to oversee Earth’s shift to a higher vibrational energy frequency. When I asked why I was being used as a channel, they confirmed that my role in this lifetime is to seek knowledge from a “higher source”. The Elohim was the “higher source”. When I questioned the process I was told:
Thoughts are picked up from the universal consciousness because of the energy radar, which is our transmitting frequency. Depending on the frequency of the broadcast signal, we pick up sound, words and pictures in much the same way a TV picks up sound, words and pictures. We arrange these according to existing pre-programs that we have written for ourselves.
When I asked about the changes in learning capability that I had witnessed in the children I had worked with by teaching them how to look within to access memories and emotions, the answer I received was:
When you learn to look inside as well as outside you find the meaning of life and by facilitating the power of thought from a place that is not contaminated by fear, amazing things happen. In children there is immediate change in their ability to learn. It increases ten-fold and what in the past has been a chore, now becomes a joy, a journey of exploration. Their physical complaints and illnesses vanish. Their athletic prowess improves. They can run, skip, throw, swim with co-ordination and strength - easily and without hours of training. Friendless children suddenly find themselves at the centre of their peers, who are suddenly attracted to them without knowing why. More importantly, their lives start to have meaning - real, deep, inner meaning which results from an awareness of the job they have chosen to do on earth. When they are allowed to follow this path in the way they decide, even when the means they choose lie outside “normal” practice, it will allow them to take their place as rightful leaders in this lost society, so that they too can light the torch so that people can understand.
My observations of the children and teenagers that I worked with up until that time, confirmed this and the improvements that were immediately obvious, became more and more impressive as the years passed. Children who were unable to read or spell at the age of 9 or 10 went on to graduate from University and hold high-powered positions.
Over a period of several weeks, I was given detailed instructions as to how to structure a program so that I could teach groups of people the Stress Defusion process. To my amusement, I was given a marketing strategy for the program. I was told that I would train 12 people at a time and that I needed to identify 12 possible participants, write to them and invite them to do the training program. The 12 who participated in each program weren’t necessarily going to be the 12 who had been invited, but my positive intent that the training would take place was sufficient to attract the people who needed to attend.
When I told my husband that I had channeled this information and that the Elohim had told me how to market the new training program, he laughed uproariously. His comment was that the Elohim obviously didn’t understand how marketing worked in Sydney in 1995. He was convinced that it was impossible to get 100% acceptance. He was wrong. Each time it felt right to work with another group, I sent out 12 letters, and 12 people came. When the numbers fell away, as they did after a few years, I stopped running the programs.
I was surprised to be told by the Elohim that I would be moving from Sydney and that I would experience a completely different lifestyle from anything I had previously known. They gave me plenty of advance warning. My new location was described to me as a riddle. I had to find it by following my intuition. It took me about a year to identify the property that I would move to, but far longer to convince my husband that we were to purchase this place and move, but eventually this happened.
I was also given “instructions” to fully document everything that had happened over the preceding 6 or 7 years and describe what I had observed and what I had learned. It appeared that this was the starting point for a book that I was to write at some time in the future. The book’s title was to be Everything in Its Place. The documentation was to be completed before I left Sydney because, I was told, I would be too busy after that. When I completed this task I put the manuscript aside. I didn’t know then that this work would not be completed for a further 25 years.
I moved from Sydney on the exact day that had been divulged. I found the location that fitted the information I had been given and my husband and I purchased the property. Then my life changed dramatically, as had been foretold. At the time I didn’t understand why I needed to be at this new location. All I knew was that it was a place of extraordinary beauty, peace and abundance and I immediately felt at home.
It took two decades of working intimately with the land to realise how important it was for me to be in a place where I could truly appreciate the significance of living in a way that was fully connected with nature. It was only by really getting in touch with it that I was able to appreciate the following message about the importance of the land:
In the beginning the earth was a place of exquisite beauty. You have evidence of this if you care to look. Now much of it is ugly. It is scarred by man’s intervention and greed. Vast areas have been turned into desert, laid to waste by inappropriate farming or other forms of over use. All this is carried out with the aim of acquiring monetary wealth. In seeking wealth, mankind has destroyed the means through which wealth is available.
The earth is not something that can be abused thoughtlessly for ever without suffering the consequences. As part of the Universe it is subject to the Laws of the Universe. It is in a position where it strives all the time to maintain balance. Balance is being restored constantly. As the despoiling of the land occurs, man must leave. Left alone, the land regenerates.
Man is creating blocks within these natural systems by the over-use of water, air, soil, vegetation and minerals. As despoilers, the human race is destroying the very vehicle that it needs to support itself.
People too, by their undue regard for their own systems are creating situations in which their own body functions, all of which are dependent on each other, are disrupted. By putting undue load on these systems, through living habits which do not allow the body systems to operate as they are intended, they create problems for themselves. The holographic principle always applies.
The very activities that assist man to regain what is optimal for life also assist the earth to regain how it was in the beginning.
I combined running workshops and seminars and helping clients resolve their problems with growing and selling fruit and vegetables and by doing so I gained knowledge that allowed me to understand the complexity of the systems that support mankind’s wellbeing. More importantly I realised that my purpose for doing this was to see what happened when I lived and worked in accordance with the spiritual laws of universe. These laws were explained to me as part of the information that I had channeled while I was still in Sydney. Only by applying the laws, and living and working to the best of my ability in accordance with them, could I fully understand them and be able to explain them. It was only when I realised that this was the primary purpose for moving to the country, that the move from Sydney made sense. I also needed to do this to understand that for Earth to shift to a higher vibration people need to heal. Healing requires energy and I needed to learn about energy. Working with the land taught me about energy. It taught me about balance. It taught me about interrelationships. The work was physically demanding so I gained fitness. It proved to be more intellectually stimulating than anything I had done before and I gained confidence by taking on a challenge that required physical stamina and strength at an age when most are thinking only of retirement.
The information that I was given through channeling provided the basis for many of my subsequent decisions. It was and continues to be highly significant.
The Elohim told me that those who have used Stress Defusion (or, more accurately, Atlantean crystal healing) in previous lifetimes just need to be reminded of it and they too will know how to work with it. I don’t know whether this is true or not but I trust that it is. I do know it is true for children because on many occasions I have watched them use the process confidently without any need for guidance. They seem to know what to do once it is explained to them.
Over a period of more than 30 years I have worked with many people, teaching them how to heal themselves. The changes I have witnessed are profound. I continue to do this work.
I channeled much information from the Elohim. I believe that the information relating the the spiritual laws of universe is of such great importance that I have spent more than 20 years of my life in order to validate the laws by living and working to the best of my ability in accordance with them. What I discovered by doing this is described in my first book Final Days of Judgement which was published in 2016.
The information I brought through from the Elohim remains as significant today as it was back then, perhaps even more so. In the interim period scientists have confirmed much of what I was told almost 30 years ago. The world has changed as I was told it would change. Events have happened as I was told they would. The shift that was foretold has been taking place and the information that I accessed so long ago remains relevant and necessary in order to help mankind understand how and why things are happening as they are. The imperative to help things become what they need to be is more crucial than ever, if mankind is to continue to exist on Earth.
A significant aspect of my higher purpose is to teach the power of thought to create reality because:
Once that is understood all else will follow.
Everything in its Place provides the information needed to understand that, by our thinking, we are the creators of our own reality, and that it is time for us to create with conscious intention.
My journey has been extraordinary, but now everything is in its place. It is time for me to complete the challenge that this lifetime was intended to provide: to help people understand that they have the power to heal themselves. Within this book are the tools and the understanding to facilitate this. Everything in its Place is my gift to you.
© Copyright Beverley Buckley